Shandong’s first new crown vaccination insurance for the elderly landed in Licheng District, Jinan

The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the vaccination of the elderly against the new coronavirus. The central leaders have issued important instructions on the vaccination of the elderly on many occasions. health protection. Judging from the overall situation of the current new crown vaccination, many elderly people suffer from basic diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease.

In order to speed up the vaccination of the elderly, the Licheng District Government has highlighted the role of financial insurance. The insurance company communicated and coordinated, and finally Taishan Property Insurance and Yuxing Insurance Agency Co., Ltd. launched the first accidental injury insurance product specifically for the prevention of vaccination for the elderly over 60 years old. and other related responsibilities, the maximum insured amount can reach 718,000 yuan per person.

On May 14th, Huashan Street was the first pilot project in Licheng District, Jinan City. On the day of the first launch, a total of 359 elderly people were provided with insurance services, which were insured by the sub-district office. The average premium per person was only 120 yuan per person. , the cumulative insurance amount reached 260 million yuan, which greatly eased the concerns of the elderly to be vaccinated against the new crown, and escorted the elderly to be vaccinated.

At present, Licheng Financial Holding Group has gradually rolled out this business in the whole district to effectively increase the vaccination rate of the new crown vaccine for the elderly, implement the requirements of the district party committee and district government, and continue to use new methods and new means. Actively participate in epidemic prevention and control, and help enterprises in bailouts, actively guide financial and insurance institutions to further implement relevant policies, play the role of “stabilizer” of insurance protection, and make greater contributions to Jinan’s epidemic prevention and control and stable and healthy economic development.