Shandong Province raised funds of 50 million yuan to support the comprehensive and coordinated development of women and children. Poor women suffering from breast and cervical cancer can receive a subsidy of 10,000 yuan


A few days ago, a reporter from New Yellow River learned from the Shandong Provincial Department of Finance that in 2022, Shandong Province will raise funds of 50 million yuan to support the comprehensive and coordinated development of women and children, and to promote women’s rights and interests to be more secure and life more colorful. , a happier life.

Enable more women to enjoy health protection. For poor women suffering from breast cancer and cervical cancer, a one-time subsidy of 10,000 yuan will be provided for each person, and no less than 600 people will be rescued across the province; the pilot program of purchasing “two cancers” insurance for low-income women of school age will be explored to enhance women’s disease prevention Awareness and resilience to risk.

Let more women enjoy their skills. Support the implementation of the Women’s Action for Rural Revitalization, and give full play to the role of women in industrial development. Each county (city, district) will hold at least one training class for leading women to become prosperous, train no less than 100 rural women, and demonstrate to drive more women to find jobs and start businesses. , to enhance the sustainable development capacity of low-income women groups.

Let more women enjoy happy marriages. Support the deepening of the “Family Happiness and Well-being Project” and “Mother Quality Improvement Project”, and organize at least 2 family education guidance services and practical activities in each county (city, district); support the construction of 141 marriage and family counseling centers in the province to promote marriage stability , family harmony, social harmony.

Build a warm home for more women. Renovate and upgrade the homes of women and children in some provinces, and make them into warm homes that women can find, depend on, and can do; choose 20% of the rural resident courtyards in the province to build “beautiful courtyards” to create a beautiful and comfortable home for living and working in peace and contentment environment, and promote the “big beauty” of the countryside with the “little beauty” of the courtyard.

Original title: Shandong Province raised 50 million yuan to support the comprehensive and coordinated development of women and children. Poor women suffering from breast and cervical cancer can subsidize 10,000 yuan.

Duty teacher: Yan A

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