Several pharmaceutical companies have started stockpiling monkeypox kits

The BBC reported on the 22nd local time that Israel, Switzerland and Austria also reported confirmed cases of monkeypox in the past two days, and the number of countries reporting confirmed cases in this round has increased to 15. Many pharmaceutical companies have started the stockpiling of monkeypox virus detection kits.

Monkeypox virus particles captured by color transmission electron microscopy. British “New Scientist” photo

Soworld Bio responded to investors’ questions on the “Shanghai Stock Exchange e-Interaction” platform on May 23, saying: the company’s product line has a monkeypox virus nucleic acid detection kit ( Fluorescent PCR method), sold in the disease control and scientific research market. In recent years, this product has been sold in small quantities in some CDCs, customs, scientific research institutes and other institutions at home and abroad. At the same time, the company has started the overseas registration of the product, including EU CE.

On May 22, the “Shengxiang Bio” WeChat public account announced that the company has stocked monkeypox virus nucleic acid detection kits (PCR-fluorescent probe method) in the company’s scientific research products. The nucleic acid fragment of monkeypox virus can quickly identify monkeypox virus. The reagent has the characteristics of high sensitivity and simple operation. It is suitable for the rapid diagnosis of diseases caused by monkeypox virus infection. It is compatible with the fluorescent PCR platform and the Shengxiang Bio-POCT platform. It can be used on the currently established new crown nucleic acid detection platform. Quick application. At present, the company is actively promoting the overseas registration of this product.

On the same day, the WeChat official account of “Zhijiang Bio” also announced that Zhijiang Bio has an EU-registered product – Monkeypox Virus Nucleic Acid Assay Kit (Fluorescent PCR Method). Determination of the gene fragments of monkeypox virus by specific fluorescence method can accurately identify monkeypox virus and help the accurate diagnosis and prevention of related diseases. The reagent is easy to operate and can be used with Zhijiang Bio AutraMic automatic nucleic acid detection platform to automatically complete the rapid and automatic diagnosis of monkeypox virus.