Several experts called for: stop eating “2 red and 1 green”, or the “inducer” of kidney failure, and stay away as soon as possible

(People’s Daily Health Client Reporter Chen Linhui) During May 1st, 2 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia were found in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, and 1 person had a large range of activities. Reminder to adjust the prevention and control management in some areas. Affected by the epidemic, an anti-cancer shared kitchen in Zhengzhou, Henan has faced the dilemma of closing its doors many times.

“They need this kitchen, I understand their difficulties, and we are continuing to find ways to persevere.” Near the Henan Provincial Cancer Hospital, Zhang Guangbing, a post-90s boy in Zhengzhou, was floating around the world’s hundred flavors of “anti-cancer”. Walking through the “Cancer Kitchen”, more than 200 family members of cancer patients come one after another every day to cook and cook. Zhang Guangbing has to find equipment and seasonings for them.

The family members of cancer patients are cooking, photo provided by the respondent

“Only 5 Yuan, pots and pans, spring onion, ginger oil, seasoning, 56 stoves, 120 square meters, from a few people to now, there are still more than 200 people who come here to cook every day, and it is the busiest when there are many people at noon.” During the interview, Zhang Guangbing was carrying rice, noodles and oil sent anonymously by caring people. Everyone in the neighborhood knows that this is not only a kitchen full of fireworks, but also a place where family members of cancer patients rekindle life hope and good-hearted people pass on love.

Anti-cancer kitchen wall with “Five Musts for Epidemic Prevention and Control”, photo provided by the interviewee

“Only two-thirds of the people in the anti-cancer kitchen use the anti-cancer kitchen every day. The epidemic still has some impact on the shared kitchen and patients.” Zhang Guangbing told the People’s Daily Health Client reporter that everyone entering the store must scan the code now. For temperature measurement, patients and their family members also need nucleic acid test reports to enter and leave the hospital smoothly, but everyone is working hard, and the anti-cancer kitchen is also running hard with the help of caring people.

Talking about joining the work of the shared kitchen, Zhang Guangbing said that he had personal experience. “In 2010, my father had an operation at the Henan Provincial Chest Hospital. At that time, as a escort, I deeply realized the importance of cooking for my family.” Zhang Guangbing told the Health Times reporter that the patient’s physical resistance was weaker. If you can eat healthy and delicious meals, it will help your recovery.

“I have also experienced times of helplessness, and I understand their difficulties!” Zhang Guangbing recalled that in 2018, an old couple brought their son to Henan Cancer Hospital for treatment, in order to treat patients with leukemia. The children cook delicious meals, and for a while they cook in the anti-cancer kitchen provided by Zhang Guangbing. At noon one day, the mother lowered her head hesitantly and whispered, “Can you let us cook another meal for free?”

“I was shocked and saddened to hear the mother’s request at that time. ” Zhang Guangbing said that the price of the 5-yuan anti-cancer kitchen has never been raised. This mother is not really in financial trouble and will not ask me that. I can understand the helplessness. I told her that even if you encounter a big difficulty, you must have enough to eat. Only after you have enough food can you live well. This meal is free and the next meal is free. As long as you have time, you can come and use the kitchen at any time. No more money. “

“I don’t know how long we can hold on, and maybe we won’t hold on, but whenever we can’t hold on, we are always inspired by many kind-hearted people who sent supplies anonymously. , our kitchen equipment has also been updated and maintained, and everyone’s support has also given us the strength to continue to persevere. “Although the rent has doubled several times in the past few years, the anti-cancer kitchen for 5 yuan has insisted on not increasing the price for 6 years. Although there are nearly 200 people who come to cook every day, after a month, there are almost no people in the store. What kind of money do you make.

A piece of mottled and greasy white paper is stuck on the wall of the anti-cancer kitchen, with the words: “When you go out and seek medical treatment, you will definitely encounter difficulties. As long as you tell us softly, you’re welcome after you finish eating and go straight. In addition, we still insist on free porridge twice a day in the morning and evening. I just wish you a speedy recovery and a peaceful and happy life in the future. “

“As long as they need it, no matter how difficult it is, I will try to persevere. Zhang Guangbing said.