Seventy-year-old Abo had scraping and was admitted to the ICU

“I didn’t expect a common cold to end up in the ICU because of scraping. It’s a near-death experience…” Recently, 76-year-old Chen Bo (pseudonym) scraped himself at home due to symptoms such as cold, cough and expectoration. Unexpectedly, the second One day, redness, swelling and large ecchymosis appeared on the scraping area, and the pain was unbearable. He came to the Third Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University for treatment. After admission, the ecchymosis continued to aggravate, and symptoms such as fever, jaundice, and severe anemia appeared. He was transferred to the ICU for emergency treatment. After examination, he was finally diagnosed as acquired hemophilia A. After a series of treatment, Chen Bo turned the corner and has been discharged from the hospital.

Scraping after a cold, a large area of ​​ecchymosis actually appeared

More than a month ago, 76-year-old Chen Bo Accidentally caught a cold and then developed cough, expectoration, coughing up a small amount of white sticky phlegm, accompanied by pain and discomfort in the limbs.

Chen Bo and his family heard that scraping can cure colds, and they happened to have a scraping board at home, so they did scraping on Chen Bo’s limbs, chest and buttocks at home.

Unexpectedly, the next day, Uncle Chen’s cold symptoms did not relieve, instead, his arms were red, swollen and bruised, and the pain was unbearable. treat.

Chen Bo had severe ecchymosis on both arms when he was admitted to hospital

Sent to ICU for rescue , a check turned out to be “acquired” hemophilia

When Chen Bo was admitted to the hospital, the doctor found that his ecchymosis continued to aggravate, and the places where the front chest wall and buttocks had been scraped also appeared large The range of ecchymosis spread to the lower extremities, back and waist, and symptoms such as fever, jaundice, and severe anemia appeared, and he was transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) for rescue.

After blood test, it was found that Chen Bo’s coagulation factor VIII activity decreased, and the coagulation factor VIII inhibitor was positive, which suggested that Chen Bo’s coagulation factor was deficient. The patient had no previous history of “hemophilia” bleeding, and there was no similar situation in the family. After excluding other factors, the final diagnosis was acquired hemophilia A.

“Hemophilia is a genetic disease in which the patient lacks a certain clotting factor. Once injured or bleed due to illness, the ‘blood flow’ will not stop. This bleeding may occur under the skin, muscles, In severe cases, patients will be disabled or even die.” Luo Bing, chief physician of the Department of Hematology of the Third Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, explained: “Acquired hemophilia A is a disease caused by the presence of anticoagulation factor VIII in circulating blood. Antibodies, bleeding disorders with reduced coagulation factor VIII activity. About 50% of patients with acquired hemophilia were previously healthy, and half of them had spontaneous bleeding on the basis of autoimmune diseases, tumors, taking drugs, infections, etc., or in Abnormal bleeding occurred during surgery, trauma or invasive examination.”

After full treatment by multidisciplinary doctors, Chen Bo was given anti-inflammatory treatment, blood transfusion, supplementation of coagulation factors to stop bleeding, plasma exchange, and immunosuppressive agents to clear antibodies for half a day. After many months, Abo turned the corner and was discharged from the hospital. According to Director Luo Bing, after being discharged from the hospital, Uncle Chen still needs to take regular medication and regular review.

Ecchymosis faded after Chen Bo treatment

TCM experts:

Gua sha therapy is not suitable for everyone, and it is not recommended to do it by yourself

Feng Chonglian, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and chief TCM physician of the Third Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, introduced that scraping is a A kind of non-drug therapy, repeatedly scraping with a scraping board, scraping the meridian and acupoints, through benign stimulation, the meridian and acupoints are congested, and the local microcirculation is improved.

Because scraping generally causes subcutaneous blood vessel damage, muscle and adipose tissue damage, it is not suitable for everyone, and it is suitable for people with bleeding tendency diseases, infectious diseases, the frail, the elderly, etc. The crowd is not suitable for scraping therapy.

Director Feng Chonglian also said that scraping treatment should be operated by professional medical staff, and patients with scraping contraindications should not undergo scraping treatment: “The symptoms of the disease are different, and each person’s physical condition is different, and the parts and methods of scraping treatment are different. It is also different, and it is not recommended for patients to scrape themselves to avoid negative effects.”

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily