Seven members of a family of 10 have cancer, and a couple were diagnosed at the same time… This disease has surpassed gastric cancer to become the second most common cancer in China! Suggestion: Go check it out after the age of 40

A family of 10 with 7 people diagnosed with colorectal cancer

Oncology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Prof. Wang Xishan, from the colorectal surgery department of the hospital, said that among the colorectal cancer patients he received,the youngest patient was only 2 years old, and the oldest patient was 107 years old strong>, spanning different age groups. However, although colorectal cancer has a high incidence, it is not terrible. We don’t need to talk about cancer. As long as the tertiary prevention of colorectal cancer is done well, colorectal cancer can be kept out. Professor Wang Xishan believes that changing the way of thinking of individuals is the most important. Therefore, popularizing the knowledge of bowel cancer and raising awareness of bowel cancer screening is a plus for improving the national colorectal cancer prevention and control.

King Professor Xishan said that cancer is a gradual evolution process, and high-risk groups, especially those with family history, should be screened for colon cancer early. Professor Wang Xishan has diagnosed and treated a typical case with family genetic history, a family of 10 members of Among the members, 7 had bowel cancer, so the family history of bowel cancer should be paid special attention. Regular participation in endoscopy is very necessary.

Woman with blood in stool for 1 year was diagnosed with colon cancer

Ms. Yang from Gansu, 55 years old. It had been blood in the stool for more than a year before she went to the hospital for a checkup. At first, Ms. Yang had been taking medicine at home, and she went to the hospital for examination after she didn’t see any improvement. was diagnosed with early colorectal cancer.

Netizens: Regular physical examination, healthy diet

Eat candy to strengthen courage: so regular physical examination, early detection and early treatment

country classics TCM: So scary!

Bashu Holly: Healthy Eating Is Too Important

Weizi jss: Really, my grandma has rectal cancer. She didn’t go to the hospital if she was uncomfortable. Later, it got worse. My mother had to take her to the hospital for a checkup. , advanced rectal cancer…

Hi Lucy, I’m Qingqing: I had a colonoscopy a while ago and cut out a Adenoma, although not serious, but early detection and early treatment, thanks to colonoscopy.

_Silly big cat: My relative had blood in the stool for two years, and it was already advanced colorectal cancer at the time of examination.

Yantola-: I want to check it out.

Hangzhou couple suffering from bowel cancer

It is also worth mentioning that “marital cancer”is also increasing today.

Previously, a Hangzhou man (Mr. Huang) accompanied his wife who was suffering from colon cancer in the hospital, with a “just in case” mood, He also went for a checkup, and it turned out that his condition was worse than that of his wife, and the colon cancer had reached the point where surgical resection was required…

Mr. Huang had lingering fears. : “It’s a blessing in disguise, if it wasn’t for my wife’s illness, I wouldn’t go to the checkup at all, and further delay, the consequences are unimaginable.

In just half a month, Mr. Huang and his wife were both diagnosed with bowel cancer , In this regard, the doctor who received the consultation was also quite emotional: “Now there are more and more ‘marital cancers’, especially in recent years. ”

Cancer is not contagious

Bad habits are contagious

“Why do we both get caught? “Couples who suffer from cancer often have such doubts in their hearts, can cancer be contagious?

The so-called husband and wife cancer is not a cancer,” said the doctor. Refers to the transmission of cancer between husbands and wives.IntestinalCancer itself is not contagious, and it is often the unhealthy who give cancer an opportunity

Clinically, it is often found that if one spouse has bowel cancer, the other spouse has a greater chance of bowel cancer This is because the living habits of husband and wife are often very close after years of running-in, and one party’s bad habits that may cause cancer will easily affect the other party subtly.

After detailed inquiries, the doctor believes that Mr. Huang and their “marital cancer”has a lot to do with their eating habits.It is understood that Mr. Huang and his wife are both heavy tastes and usually like to eat cured meat, sauce duck, salted fish, etc.Usually, there are only two people in the family, and the food is relatively simple. Basically, we cook one meal a day, and the dishes are cooked at noon, and the rest are eaten hot at night. Unfinished dishes are also reluctant to throw away, and continue to serve the next day. Pickled food, in particular, is not easy to spoil, and is often served for several days in a row.


And like overnight meals, high-calorie and high-sugar foods, and processed meat foods are all high-risk factors for gastric cancer and bowel cancer.

< p>A colonoscopy over the age of 40 is best

“ My wife had a colonoscopy only when she had symptoms. I didn’t have any symptoms, and I didn’t feel any discomfort. How could I get colon cancer? “After the operation, Mr. Huang, who was lying on the hospital bed, was puzzled.

In this regard, the doctor said that during the consultation process, Patients often come to the outpatient clinic when they feel uncomfortable. Once the cancer is detected in this group, most of them have developed to the middle and late stages.

Doctors recommend a screening colonoscopy before age 40 even if you don’t have symptoms.This is because bowel cancer is different from other cancers , “asymptomatic” its invisibility cloak, it is easy to ignore diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, most bowel cancers evolve from intestinal adenomas, which grow extremely slowly. It takes about 10-15 years from polyps to bowel cancer. Therefore, if you can Putting the inspection work in advance and doing a colonoscopy before the cancer changes, as long as the early detection and early treatment can be done, it can be prevented before it happens.

< span>So, after the age of 40, it is best to do a colonoscopy screening, no matter whether you have symptoms or not. If you have a family history of bowel cancer, it is recommended to check the time earlier.

Keep your stomach healthy and your intestines happy

Gastrointestinal endoscopy is a great tool for checking digestive tract diseases. It can detect early gastrointestinal cancer in time and kill it in the cradle.

Who needs gastroenteroscopy?

First and foremost Not all people with gastrointestinal symptoms need gastrointestinal endoscopy, but for the following high-risk groups, it is recommended to perform gastrointestinal endoscopy at regular intervals:

I. 40 years old;

2. Family history of gastrointestinal tumors;

3. Helicobacter pylori infection;

4. Positive fecal occult blood test;

5. History of chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastrointestinal polyps , ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and other diseases;

6. Sudden changes in bowel habits, chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation and mucus bloody stools. This part of the population is recommended to annually A gastroenteroscopy should be done.

Secondly for the general population:


If you do not belong to the above high-risk groups, have other gastrointestinal discomfort and If you are over 50 years old, you can do a gastrointestinal endoscopy screening, and it is recommended to have a review every 3 to 5 years.

Orange Persimmon Interactive·City Express reporter Chen Yi

The content is integrated on Sina Weibo, City Express reported earlier that the Second Zhejiang Medical Hospital

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