Set off! The cultural journey of “Walking Henan, Understanding China” begins to deeply unlock the different beauty of Henan

Dahe Net News (Reporter Zhu Chuanpeng) What do you think of when you walk in Henan? Is it the Songshan Shaolin Temple, which is “the best in the world in Shaolin Kungfu”, or the Longmen Grottoes listed as a world cultural heritage? Is it a strong and smooth braised noodle, or a spicy soup?

On the morning of July 16, the launching ceremony of Geely Automobile’s cultural tour of “Walking in Henan and Understanding China” was held in Zhengzhou.

Li Jingxin, Chairman of Henan Dahewang Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Liu Bin, Secretary General of Zhengzhou Catering and Restaurant Industry Association, Geely Automobile Manufacturer Representative Wang Guoguang, Geely Auto Jing Peng, general manager of Jizhi 4S store, came to the scene to participate in and witness the launching ceremony.

At the launching ceremony, the sand painter used sand as ink and hand as brush to paint Shaolin Temple, Qingming Shanghe Garden, Longmen Grottoes, Yuntai Mountain, Yinxu, Yangshao Culture Museum, Laozi’s Hometown and other historical landscapes are presented one by one in the interlaced light and shadow.

Li Jingxin said in his speech that as one of the central areas of the early activities of the Chinese nation and an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, Henan has rich historical resources and beautiful natural scenery advantage.

He pointed out that will continue to give full play to the advantages of mainstream media communication, platform and technology, dig deep into cultural and tourism resources, and cooperate with various cultural tourism units and scenic spots to create an innovation of “media + culture + tourism”. An example of cooperation to build a bridge and smooth channels for the integrated development of Henan’s culture and tourism.

About Henan’s food culture, Liu Bin said that Henan cuisine is known as the mother of the eight major cuisines in China. Famous Henan dishes such as meat and peony jelly have a history of thousands of years. He said: “Looking for Henan culture reflects our cultural self-confidence. We must demonstrate the self-confidence of Henan culture to the world with unswerving belief and steady progress.”

“Henan is in China is just like China is to the world.” Wang Guoguang said that by walking in Henan, you can intuitively appreciate the essence of the Central Plains culture, and at the same time you can feel the brand new brand value of Geely Automobile in the tide of the times. ”, to feel the 4.0 era of Geely Automobile.

It is understood that the cultural tour starts in Zhengzhou and will travel through Kaifeng, Luoyang, Jiaozuo, Anyang, Sanmenxia, ​​Nanyang, Zhoukou and other places through a period of two months. Through live broadcast, video shooting, etc., together with Geely Automobile and the vast number of netizens, we will explore the taste bud experience brought by the Central Plains cuisine, explore the majestic spirit of Chinese culture, explore the history and culture of the Central Plains, and deeply unlock the unique beauty of Henan.