Seniors over 60 should be more actively vaccinated against the new coronavirus

At present, the vaccination of the new crown pneumonia is the most economical and effective way to prevent and control the new crown pneumonia, and it is an important means to alleviate the severe disease and reduce the mortality rate. The vaccination of the elderly and children is particularly worthy of attention. But there are still many elderly friends who think that they do not go out often, so they will not be infected with the new crown virus. Yesterday, experts from the Yantai Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that elderly people over 60 often have chronic underlying diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and coronary heart disease, and their immunity is relatively weak. The proportion of severe and critically ill patients is higher.

Therefore, city disease control experts suggest that the elderly should not only receive two doses of the vaccine as soon as possible, but also receive a booster immunization 6 months after the completion of the two doses of the vaccine, in order to obtain a better protective effect.

Many elderly friends think that they suffer from chronic diseases and take medicine for a long time, so they are not suitable for vaccination. Experts agree that people with chronic diseases with stable health status and good drug control can be vaccinated against the new crown. The vaccination strategies of many countries and the recommendations of the World Health Organization believe that the elderly, especially those with chronic underlying diseases, should be the most prioritized population for vaccination.

In addition, some elderly people worry about the side effects of the new crown vaccine. Practice has proved that the safety of the new crown vaccine for the elderly is good, and the occurrence of common adverse reactions is basically the same as that of other vaccines that have been widely used. Headache and other reactions, most of which are transient and mild, usually do not require treatment.

At present, all vaccination sites in our city have opened “green channels” for the elderly. If you have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 or have been vaccinated for 6 months, please get your first or booster shot as soon as possible.

At the same time, the city’s disease control experts reminded that schools and kindergartens are densely staffed and difficult to manage, which may easily lead to the occurrence of clustered epidemics. Carrying out the new coronavirus vaccination for people aged 3-11 is an important part of building the immune barrier of the whole population, and it is also an important measure to block the spread of the new coronavirus. In order to protect life and health, we call on eligible people to get vaccinated against the new crown as soon as possible. (Reporter Li Junling Correspondent Wang Chaoxia Zeng Yingxue)