Sending the most suitable technology to the county-level hospital, Dianbai successfully carried out the first transoral thyroid surgery

Seven months ago, 44-year-old Ms. Li discovered that a lump the size of a longan nucleus had grown on her neck. Since there was no other discomfort, she took a fluke and never went to the hospital for further treatment. Until recently, Ms. Li’s tumor was getting bigger and bigger with the naked eye, so she raised her vigilance and went to the People’s Hospital of Dianbai District, Maoming City for treatment.

Chief Physician Huang Houtian of the First District of General Surgery received Ms. Li and arranged relevant examinations. The results of color Doppler ultrasound showed that there was a 1.5*1.0CM mass in the anterior region of the right neck, which was in line with the surgical indications. Ms. Li had some concerns and frankly stated her concerns: many years ago, she had left scars on the corners of her mouth and jaw due to bumps. I also have friends around me who have had traditional thyroid surgery, leaving obvious scars after surgery, which greatly affects the quality of life…

Body surface incision It has become a thing of the past

thyroid surgery does not leave scars

The thyroid gland is located in front of the trachea, and the traditional surgical method is difficult to cover the wound, which brings patients such as “earthworms”. “Such surgical scars make patients feel inferior and anxious. At the same time, the traditional surgical method has a large amount of blood loss and more side injuries. This will undoubtedly bring a greater psychological burden to the patients, especially young women who love beauty, “beauty is justice”, and are forced to carry an unbearable psychological burden.

Huang Houtian was aware of Ms. Li’s thoughts, fully evaluated the condition and considered the patient’s needs for cosmetic surgery, and decided to undergo endoscopic thyroid surgery through the oral vestibular approach on the premise of ensuring the best treatment of the disease. After learning that there was no incision on her entire body after surgery, Ms. Li immediately agreed to undergo surgery.

After completing the relevant preoperative preparations, under the technical guidance of Chief Physician Yang Jingge of the General Surgery Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University (Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Hospital), the Huang Houtian surgical team in the first district of the General Surgery Department only used two and a half This case of transoral vestibular endoscopic thyroid surgery was successfully completed within hours, and the intraoperative blood loss was less than 10ML.

Brother Yang introduced that this operation perfectly hides the scar in the mouth, not only does the neck have no scar after the operation, but also the incision is small and the recovery is fast.

Ms. Li recovered quickly after the operation, with no symptoms such as hoarseness, numbness and twitching of hands and feet. From the outside, it is completely impossible to see that Ms. Li has received surgical treatment, which gives her great physical and psychological comfort. When she was discharged from the hospital three days after the operation, Ms. Li thanked her repeatedly; “I never expected to have thyroid surgery, and I didn’t see any traces on my body! This kind of scar-free surgery is really amazing, I hope it can be vigorously promoted to make more like me. People who like beauty are no longer bothered by scars.”

thyroid nodule found on physical examination

don’t worry too much

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, it is the season of centralized medical examinations in various units. Many people are petrified by the various “abnormal indicators” found, especially the word “nodule”. In recent years, thyroid nodules with high incidence have become the focus of attention.

Seeing a “nodule”, some people immediately think whether they have a tumor. In fact, most thyroid nodules are benign and require neither medication nor surgery.

Huang Houtian said that there is no need to panic if thyroid nodules are found during the examination. Everyone has a physical examination and re-examination once a year. Once there are abnormal changes in size and shape, it should be taken seriously.

Writing by: Southern Metropolis reporter Wang Daobin

Correspondent Zhang Cancheng Cui Yong Han Panpan