Send you the “Natural Sanjie Method”, often do 3 strokes, remove phlegm and blood stasis, clear nodules, it’s a pity to miss it

Today, let me tell you about pulmonary nodules,this The incidence of the disease is relatively high, 1 in 5 people is affected.

In Chinese medicine, the formation of lung nodules is mostly due to qi deficiency in the body or Qi stagnation, which blocks the operation of Qi and blood meridians, and accumulates in local areas, leading to dysfunction of the viscera, resulting in the production of “phlegm“, “stasis“.

Although we know that the probability of it becoming cancerous is very small, we cannot let our guard down, after all, we know that there is a long A nodule is like a mine in the body. No one will be comfortable!

So, today I bring you 3-step conditioning method , help us prevent and manage lung nodules in our daily lives.

Fenglong+Yinlingquan resolves phlegm and dampness

Now that we know, lung nodules in our body are mainly caused by “phlegm” and “stasis”. So how can we uproot the phlegm?

The answer isinvigorating the spleen and removing dampness. Because the spleen is the source of phlegm, when there is excess moisture in the body, the spleen’s ability to function decreases, and dampness accumulates easily to produce phlegm< /span>.

So to eliminate phlegm, it is necessary to strengthen the spleen and eliminate dampness first. Spleen, while resolving phlegm. Yinlingquan is the joint point of the spleen meridian of foot Taiyin, which has the functions of nourishing the spleen, clearing heat and eliminating dampness. It is generally mentioned that the spleen has its figure.

Following is Fenglong, which is “the first acupoint for resolving phlegm span>” has the effect of reconciling stomach qi, dispelling dampness and resolving phlegm, refreshing the brain and soothing the mind.

can regulatehot phlegm, wet phlegm, dry phlegm span>and other diseases, especially suitable for people who have difficulty expectorating phlegm in the throat, regular massage will help the phlegm to be easily coughed out.

Fenglong is located on the outside of the leg, findthe eye of the knee and Connect two points of the lateral malleolus to form a line, and then take the midpoint of this line, about two finger widths away from the anterior border of the tibia.

After we do the first step of removing phlegm and dampness, the next step is to recuperate the body How to adjust the “stasis” in ?

Four Passes + Diaphragm + Blood Sea Activating Blood and Removing Stasis

The “stasis” in our body is mainly due to the lack of qi in the body, which leads to stagnation of qi and stagnation of qi and blood.
At this time, Siguan acupoints come on stage. Siguan acupoints are actually a group of acupoints.
Hegu + Taichong = Siguan acupoints , theycan dissipate gas, clear blockages, and at the same time replenish gas and fill energy.

Siguan (Hegu + Taichong), the best at relieving qi stagnation and qi stagnation, Adjust the ventilator.

Align the edge of the tiger’s mouth with the first finger of the thumb, press down, and the thumb The point corresponding to the point is Hegu Point.

becauseHegu is on the top, it belongs to Yang, Qi goes down, Taichong is on the bottom, it belongs to Yin, and Qi ascends to smooth.

So these 4 acupuncture points (left and right sides), one up and down, one yin and one yang, one liter and one Down, the air will circulate.

When the body’s qi machine is running, important things come, activating blood Stasis. There must be many friends who will wonder why the Qi machine should be cleared first by promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis?

Think about it, the blood of our body is run through the assistance of Qi.

For example, our qi and blood is equivalent to a river. When the river is blocked by silt, If the water is opened up and the gate is released at this time to speed up the flow of water, can the silt be washed away?

The same principle applies here. Promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Geshu acupoint belongs to the bladder meridian of Foot Taiyang, and has functions of nourishing blood and nourishing, regulating qi and widening the chest, It is also the “Xuehui” in the Bahui acupoint. There is an inseparable relationship with blood.

Location of Geshu Point: Under the spinous process of the seventh thoracic vertebra, open two finger widths from the left and right sides.

Geshu is equivalent to traditional Chinese medicineAngelica sinensis, which promotes blood circulation and nourishes blood< /span>, also has the effect of Blood-tonifying Jiapin. So it is better to use it to activate blood and remove blood stasis.

Pressing and rubbing Geshu points regularly can not only correct anemia< /span>, can alsorelieve hot flashes and night sweats caused by deficiency of yin and blood, and can also enhance human immunity Li, is a rare good acupoint for human health care.

Not to mention the sea of ​​blood, just by hearing the name, you know that it deals with blood. As the saying goes, Blood to find blood, Qi to Qi.

Xuehai Point is the place where the blood produced by the spleen meridian gathers. Patting or massaging the Xuehai Point can improve the Transform blood into qi, transport and transform spleen blood.

Secondly, it can also clear blood and dampness, and can regulate the symptoms of blood turbidity, blood poison and blood heat in the blood , in other words it keeps our blood healthy.

Sit on a chair and straighten your legs, there will be a depression on the side of the knee, in /span>There is a raised muscle above the depression, and the top of the muscle is the sea of ​​blood..

Geshu and Xuehai points can be described as a traffic policeman here, cleaning up the accident scene while allowing a steady stream of traffic to drive in an orderly manner.

Zhongfu + Yunmen + Tanzhong Xuantong Lung Qi< /span>

Pulmonary nodules are, of course, a problem with the lungs. After we adjust the “phlegm” and “stasis”, the most important thing Of course, it is enhancing the ability of the lungs to spread out.

It is equivalent to when a circle of people is beating a person, we step forward to help her drive away those bullies, but if he is not to be hurt next time, the most important thing is to have him Make yourself stronger and let the enemy have no chance.

How to enhance the catharsis ability of the lungs?

At this time, you can findZhongfu, Yunmen, Tanzhong< /strong>The trio will help in the future.

Yunmen point is the hand-taiyin lung meridian qi originating from the qi, and it is the gateway from which the lung qi exits, followed by the Zhongfu Zhongfu acupoint is where the central qi gathers, where the stored qi gathers, and where the lung, spleen and stomach meet.

When selecting acupoints, sit upright and put your hands on your hips, and the lower edge of the outer end of our clavicle will appear. A triangular depression, the midpoint of which is Cloud Gate.

the two of them together can clear the lung heat, clear the lung meridian, and strengthen the spleen Qi.
It is often used to treat cough, asthma, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia and other lung problems.

every daypressing and rubbing the Zhongfu point 100 times can prevent Asthma, pneumonia, etc..

Zhongfu point is located 6 cun lateral to the midline of the chest, at the level of the first intercostal space.

It is said that the heart and the lungs are inside and outside, so if the lungs are to be healthy, the heart must come and help.

Tanzhong acupoint is the gathering place of qi of the pericardium meridian, and it is also < span>A large “air outlet” of the human body, many things related to emotions, we can find Tanzhong to mediate.

Secondly, all the conditions of poor ventilation, such as lungs It can also help with symptoms such as dyspnea, wheezing, palpitations, distress and shortness of breath.

Tanzhong point is located on the chest, on the anterior midline, at the level of the fourth intercostal space, at the midpoint of the line connecting the two nipples.

The above acupoints can be massaged and massaged. You can choose according to your own situation. Acupuncture pointsAcupuncture points are recommended to be massaged 3-5 times per acupuncture point. , moxibustion is recommended for 10-15 minutes, and the order of moxibustion can be Follow this order.

Have you learned the 3-step conditioning method today? When pulmonary nodules appear, don’t panic too much, listen to the doctor’s advice, and cooperate with irregular examinations. Of course, don’t forget to learn more knowledge, so that you can have one more choice when facing the disease.