Self-touching pulse can monitor heart condition

There are several ways to predict the occurrence of heart disease, including: measuring cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. Now, modern medical researchers suggest that feeling your pulse can also help.

A study by the University of Iowa in the United States proposed that you should feel your pulse regularly and be familiar with the heartbeat cycle and regularity. Once the heart is uncomfortable, you can detect it in advance by feeling the pulse. Professor Huang Hui from the Department of Cardiology, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University introduced that although the self-touching pulse is not completely equivalent to the heart rate, it is not 100% accurate, but those with experience can detect the changes in blood vessel hardness, and traditional Chinese medicine can also judge whether the blood pressure is too high by taking the pulse. , which can help prevent heart disease in advance, and for ordinary people, self-touching the pulse is still the easiest and feasible method for self-monitoring of heart conditions.

Some arrhythmias can be sensed by the pulse

A recent study from the University of Iowa proposed that you should feel your pulse regularly to be familiar with the cycle and pattern of the heart’s beating. , can be detected in advance by feeling the pulse. According to the research participants, the pulse rate of the pulse can be clearly felt by the fingers on the wrist. Ordinary people can record their pulse at home and make judgments about their heart health.

Except that the pulse of obese people is not easy to feel, I basically agree with this concept. Why do you say this? Zhang Yan, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, explained that, first of all, the pulse can relatively monitor the heart rate, at least the speed of the heart rate can be roughly judged, and the rhythm can be sensed. When the patient has premature beats, the pulse will be irregular, such as sudden stop, etc. It is not difficult for a sensitive person to find it, and some patients with atrial fibrillation will also have a disordered pulse rate. Of course, pulse rate and heart rate are not absolutely equal. For example, in patients with atrial fibrillation, the heart rate is much faster than the pulse rate. Therefore, it cannot be said that the pulse is exactly the same as the heart rate, but it has a certain prompting effect. If the pulse is relatively disordered or exceeds 100 beats per minute, then you should go to the hospital to see a doctor.

Professor Sun Shengyun from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University also believes that the information provided by the pulse is of certain significance for the early detection of certain arrhythmias, such as the corresponding pulse changes during atrial fibrillation, and the self-sensing pulse. It can feel absolutely irregular, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and there is no obvious pattern.

You can eat red ginseng properly in winter to protect your heart

“Under normal conditions of heartbeat, the general heart rate and pulse rate are the same, and a normal adult’s heartbeat and pulse are about 70 beats per minute”, Professor Sun Shengyun from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, said that heart rate and pulse have a fluctuation space within the normal range. Individual differences may occur due to age, gender or other physiological factors. For example, the heart rate of athletes is slower than that of ordinary people. , 50 jumps per minute is normal.

In general, the visual pulse is a barometer of our heartbeat. Sun Shengyun said that traditional medicine has attached great importance to the pulse measurement since ancient times. On the basis of the 24 meridians in the “Meridian of Pulse”, Li Shizhen added 3 types of meridians, increasing the number of TCM pulses to 27 types, namely floating, sinking, late, several, slippery, and astringent. Wait. However, Sun Shengyun emphasized that ordinary people do not have the ability or need to count the above-mentioned 24 pulses. We only need to know the basic information such as the number and strength of the pulse beat. Tachycardia may be present; if pulse is less than 60 beats/min, bradycardia may be present.

For winter health, Sun Shengyun also suggested that if the heart rate is slow and palpitation, red ginseng can be taken in winter and American ginseng in summer. Of course, it is best to seek professional Chinese medicine doctors for guidance.


How to feel the pulse by yourself?

Ordinary people monitor the pulse with frequency, strength and regularity as the main observation points.

The way to feel the pulse by yourself is very simple. In a quiet state, a person sits upright in front of a table, puts one arm palm up on the table, and gently places the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger of the other hand side by side on the table. On the thumb side of the wrist, a small pillow can also be placed under the wrist to make the pulse feel clearer. Under normal circumstances, as long as a little search can be touched. If you can’t feel your pulse repeatedly, your body may be signaling that you need to go to the hospital for a checkup. (Reporter Li Jie, correspondent Zhang Cancheng)