Self-service “health hut” settled in Qingdao, you can self-check the “three highs” at any time

[Source: Dazhong Newspaper, Peninsula News]

Qi Juan, a reporter from Peninsula All Media

According to the deployment of the “Healthy Shandong Action” of the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Qingdao City At the beginning of this year, the CDC innovatively placed a health hut marked “Qingdao CDC” opposite a supermarket in a shopping plaza in Licang. The hut is 2 meters high. There is a height and weight measuring instrument outside the house. The self-checking operation method and flowchart are posted on the door of the house. Citizens can check the “three heights” at any time according to the instructions.

Ms. Li, a 56-year-old citizen, will enter this health hut every time she goes shopping in the supermarket, and skillfully enters her name , mobile phone number and other information, began to measure blood pressure, pulse, etc., and soon her mobile phone received health information, blood pressure 128/85, heart rate 64, BMI 28, slightly overweight, and other indicators were normal, she went shopping with confidence . In May, the same health hut was set up again in the community neighborhood committee of Phuket New District, Shibei District, and the residents even regarded the “health hut” as a personal health care assistant. “This hut is so convenient, you don’t need to bother others, it is completely self-checking, you can keep track of blood pressure changes at any time, and the health service is too intimate,” said a resident who has used it.

It is reported that this is the first health testing station set up in supermarkets and communities in Qingdao, the purpose is to improve community residents’ disease prevention awareness, help residents to do a good job in self-health monitoring and health management, and improve the disease prevention ability of the “three high” populations of hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia in the community. After a period of trial operation and debugging, it was officially launched a few days ago. So far, more than 300 people have had blood pressure monitoring and body mass index measurements through the smart monitoring devices of the two “health cabins”.

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