Scientists suggest that the elderly often eat these 10 kinds of food, which can effectively prevent cardiovascular disease

Three meals a day, people should take food on time every day to provide energy for various activities of human beings, maintain the normal operation of the body, and protect the body’s health. Eating is very important, and ingesting nutrients through food can make the human body healthier and help prevent various diseases.

The incidence of many diseases increases with age, among which including cardiovascular disease. For the elderly, it is important to pay attention to the daily diet. A recent study published in the journal JAMA found that 5 grams of grain fiber per day in older adults was associated with a 14% lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Does eating more grain fiber really reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease?

Researchers from Columbia University conducted a large prospective cohort data analysis study and published the results in JAMA span>Journal.

Study screenshot

Research team analyzed 12 years of follow-up Data, found that the elderly over 65 years old eat 5 grams of grain fiber per day, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 14%, and the inflammatory response in the body can also be alleviated, the levels of inflammatory markers decreased significantly. In order to find out whether fruit and vegetable fiber has the same effect as grain fiber, a series of comparative experiments were conducted. With a daily intake of 5 grams of fruit fiber, the levels of pro-inflammatory factors did not change significantly, and with a daily intake of 5 grams of vegetable fiber, the effect was almost negligible.

Cereal fiber is obviously superior in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It can be seen that in order to protect the cardiovascular system and prevent cardiovascular disease, it is necessary to properly consume grain fiber.

These good grains are summarized for you

China After many selections and reviews, the Nutrition Society has selected “China’s Good Grains”, and understanding the top 10 grains can help people choose.

  • No. 1 is whole wheat flour
  • No. 2 It’s brown rice
  • 3rd place is oat rice
  • 4th place is millet
  • 5th place is corn
  • < span>6th place is sorghum rice
  • 7th place is highland barley
  • < strong>8th place is buckwheat
  • 9th place is barley
  • Number 10 is Quinoa

Compared with refined grains, these grains are not only richer in dietary fiber, but also have advantages in B vitamins, calcium and other minerals. Eating more of these good grains can reduce the level of inflammation in the elderly, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and help people control indicators such as weight and blood sugar, which is more conducive to longevity.

What should be paid attention to in the diet of the elderly in summer?

The weather is hot in summer, and many elderly people don’t pay attention to their diet. As a result, their health frequently turns red. Fan Ming, chief physician of the Department of Spleen and Stomach Diseases of the Second Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Guangdong Province, gave several suggestions on the diet of the elderly in summer in an interview.

1. Don’t eat too cold

The weather is hot in summer, so eat properly Cool foods can relieve the heat, such as watermelon, mung beans, etc. But don’t eat too cold, it is not recommended to drink cold drinks, eat ice cream, eat iced fruit, otherwise it will stimulate the heart and induce diseases.

2. Add more water< /p>

The elderly should drink more water in summer, and the body is prone to dehydration. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, and the amount of water should be between 1500ml and 2000ml.

3. Don’t eat too much oil

No matter what season, the elderly To eat light diet, do not eat too greasy. Otherwise, you will not only be prone to obesity, but alsoIt increases blood lipids and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. Recommended recipes

The elderly can treat winter diseases and summer diseases in summer. To regulate the spleen and stomach, warm the stomach and intestines, you can drink a little mutton soup. If the body is very hot, you can drink mung bean red dates water. You can also add some chrysanthemums to mung beans, which can not only clear away heat and relieve summer heat, but also be beneficial to health.

Message from the doctor

The elderly should pay attention to their own Eat a healthy diet to protect your cardiovascular system. An extra 5 grams of grain fiber per day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 14%, learn about this latest study to make it easier for older adults to plan their meals. In addition to eating more grain fiber, you should also eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and eat more high-quality protein to protect your health. Summer is hot, so don’t eat too cold. If you want to clear away heat and relieve the heat, you must choose the right food.

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