Scientists found that vines can kill the new crown

Since the news reported that Chinese scientists found that fenugreek can kill the new coronavirus in vitro, the price of Chinese medicine fenugreek has risen sharply, from 20-50 yuan per kilogram to 160 yuan per kilogram, The retail price of 4 catties of golden rattan is close to the price of 1 gram of gold.

As soon as the epidemic broke out in January 2020, Chinese scientists began the screening of specific drugs for the new crown. Countless drugs, including some proprietary Chinese medicines and Chinese medicine extracts, were on the shortlist for screening. From these lists, fenugreek stands out, and its ability to kill viruses in vitro has been affirmed by domestic and foreign experts. Researchers in Japan and the United States have successively invested in research and published articles affirming the antiviral effect of fenugreek, which is a traditional Chinese medicine. A chemical substance extracted from Fructus chinensis is used to treat the side effects of tumor patients during chemotherapy, such as leukopenia, etc. It is an adjuvant drug in the process of tumor treatment.

Since this effect has been widely reported in the news, many pharmaceutical companies have greatly increased the demand for Qianjinteng, so the price of this traditional Chinese medicine has also risen sharply, 3-8 times higher than before. Some planting bases even want to expand the planting area and expand the production of 100,000 roots. It should be reminded that fenugreek has only been found to have the effect of killing viruses in in vitro experiments. This effect needs to go through animal experiments, I, II, III clinical trials, etc. It is a complicated process to apply for listing. Any gap in the middle means that these extra Chinese medicines are rotten in the hand, and even if the experiment is successful, it will take time to organize production and launch it. Is it too early to expand production capacity now? .