Scientific protection to stay away from epidemic hemorrhagic fever

[Source: Anshan Daily]

The hot summer is coming, and epidemic hemorrhagic fever still needs to be guarded against. Experts from the Municipal Disease Control and Infectious Disease Control Department reminded that the disease has an acute onset and rapid progress, but there is no need to panic. It is a preventable and treatable disease. Epidemic hemorrhagic fever can be effectively controlled by correctly understanding the disease and taking measures such as rodent control and effective personal protection.

What is epidemic hemorrhagic fever? Disease control experts explained that epidemic hemorrhagic fever, also known as hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome internationally, is a mouse-transmitted disease caused by hantavirus. Natural foci of infectious diseases characterized by fever, hemorrhage and kidney damage. There are 3 types and 5 kinds of transmission routes of the disease, namely animal-derived transmission (including 3 ways of transmission through wound, respiratory tract and digestive tract), mite-borne transmission and vertical transmission, among which animal-derived transmission is the main transmission route.

According to experts, the incubation period of the disease is 4 to 46 days, generally 7 to 14 days, and more common in 2 weeks. The onset is acute, and the clinical manifestations mainly include fever, symptoms of systemic poisoning, capillary damage and kidney damage. May have headache, low back pain, orbital pain, flushing of the face, neck and upper chest skin, as well as nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, generalized joint pain and other symptoms.

Disease control experts reminded that the key to preventing epidemic hemorrhagic fever is rodent control. In daily life, it is necessary to develop good hygiene habits and regularly remediate environmental hygiene. Clean up garbage and sundries, keep the home environment hygienic, eliminate places where rodents live and move, leave no gaps in doors, and have nets in windows. Strengthen tableware hygiene to prevent contamination by rodent excrement. Also pay attention to food, drinking water and food preservation. The granary should be covered and stored away from the ground and walls; the drinking water should be boiling; the leftover rice and leftovers should be covered with a sarong or stored in the refrigerator. If there is no storage condition, it should be fully heated before eating.

For personal protection, experts recommend that when you are active or working in the wild or in the field, do not directly touch the rodents and their excrement with your hands, and do not sit and lie on the grass or haystacks. Wear a mask, hat, and gloves when cleaning up mess, straw, wheat straw, corn stalks. When handling dead rats, wear gloves or use tools, and burrow or burn dead rats. All media reporter Bassie

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