Scientific protection and full of confidence, the first batch of members of the Chongqing Medical Team Aid to Shanghai has been on duty in Songshan

Come and fight, keep “Shanghai” safe. The Chongqing medical team that arrived in Songshan late at night the day before yesterday (14th) conducted a strict training and assessment of hospital feeling and wearing and taking off protective clothing in accordance with the requirements of the front headquarters yesterday (15th), and all passed the test. That night, the first members of the medical team entered the centralized isolation and treatment point in Songjiang to carry out work.

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Today (16th) at 8 am, another 200 members of the Chongqing Aid Shanghai Medical Team were in the Economic Development Zone, Nucleic acid sampling was carried out in Jiuting Town, Jiuliting Street, Xinqiao Town, Chedun Town and other places.

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< span> “Although we were ordered in a critical situation, we are fully prepared and can be in place as soon as possible!” The relevant person in charge of the medical team said that the staff and materials for this aid to Shanghai were fully prepared, and various systems and procedures were systematically sorted out before departure. and emergency plans, and conducted targeted training for members of the medical team, including knowledge of hospital infection prevention and control, wearing and taking off protective clothing, room management, and killing. At the same time, the person in charge of the medical team, the team leader, and the backbone took the lead in connecting with the admission point, familiarized themselves with the process, and made adequate preparations.

At 6:30 yesterday evening, the first batch of members of the Chongqing Aid Shanghai Medical Team drove to the treatment site. Li Changyi, the head of the medical team, has participated in the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Xiaogan, Hubei, and is also the first team to take place this time. Along the way, he shared his accumulated treatment experience with everyone and cheered everyone on.

Li Changyi introduced, combined with Shanghai According to the actual situation of the epidemic, the first batch of team members is composed of professional medical staff in infection, respiratory, severe disease, infection control, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, gastroenterology, mental health, etc., which can meet the treatment needs of different groups from children to the elderly.

“Come on!” At 8:00 p.m., night fell, and the first batch of team members took their places and took up their posts at the admission point.

“Party members are going to charge ahead!” Zeng Weiqiong, 57, is a hospital sensory doctor. Old party members, she urged fellow party members Hu Panpan, Wang Qian, etc. to quickly enter their posts and enter the state, show a strong style, give full play to their professional advantages, and play a role as a pioneer and model, while carefully checking whether the protective measures of each team member are in place, Repeatedly urge everyone to pay attention to safety and protect themselves.

“It takes a thousand days to raise a soldier For a while, we have been exercising for so long, and now the people of Songjiang need us, we must go all out!” Wang Xin, a team member who went to the front line of the epidemic for the first time, was also full of confidence, “We have received comprehensive training and will be able to fight the epidemic well. .”

Medical The relevant person in charge of the team said that on the premise of scientific protection, the medical team adopted the method of “according to local conditions, investing in batches, pressing stubble to advance, and taking over in an orderly manner” in the shortest possible time. In the next step, work will be carried out in strict accordance with the unified deployment of the headquarters, and will go all out to treat patients.

Data: Chongqing Daily 1st Eye News

< span>Edit: Qin Tian

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