Scary! Woman eats peach and bites centipede into sausage mouth

Recently, when Ms. Lin from Jiangsu ate the peaches she had not eaten the day before, she suddenly felt a tingling pain in her mouth, only to discover that a centipede had actually burrowed out of the peach pit.

After one night, Ms. Lin went to the hospital with swollen lips and tingling pain.

After anti-allergy treatment, her symptoms have improved. The doctor reminds that if you are bitten by a centipede, you should wash it with water or soapy water as soon as possible, and take anti-allergy medicine. If you have pain or swelling, you should go to the hospital for treatment.

(Original title: Scary! Woman eats peach and bites centipede into sausage mouth)

Source: Lizhi News

Process Editor: TF019