Sanjiang Town Central Health Center: Strengthening the propaganda of family doctors to build a healthy family

[Source: Guangyuan News Network]

Guangyuan News Network (Li Liping, Guangyuan Daily All-Media Reporter Fan Wei) Recently, the Central Health Center of Sanjiang Town, Wangcang County organized a campaign to “Happy Family” The 2022 “World Family Doctor Day” publicity campaign with the theme of “Meet Doctors, Accompany with Health”, and provided free physical examinations for the masses on the spot, received good social effects.

At the event site, many passers-by came to the information desk to inquire about it, and the medical staff distributed the family doctor contract publicity to them. Information, and in-depth explanation of the content, methods and significance of family doctor contract services, as well as free services such as blood pressure measurement, diagnosis and treatment, and health consultation. Through this activity, the blood pressure of more than 14 people was measured free of charge for the people in the jurisdiction, 110 people received consultation, and 110 copies of publicity materials were distributed, which achieved the expected publicity effect.

Since the implementation of the national basic public health service project, the Sanjiang Town Center Health Center has taken multiple measures to promote the implementation of the basic public health service project with high quality. Through providing comprehensive, continuous and coordinated basic medical and health services, family doctors have established long-term and stable service relationships with contracted families. In the next step, the hospital will continue to carry out family doctor contracting services, so that more people can enjoy family doctors, and further improve the people’s sense of health gain and satisfaction.

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