Russia’s Sarmat, one is enough to destroy the entire Japan, can the American interceptor system stop it?

It only takes 5 missiles to wipe the United States off the map, how powerful is the Russian Sarmat missile? Why can’t even the US stop it?

Our northern neighbor, Russia, already had the world’s largest nuclear arsenal in Soviet times, with more than 10,000 nuclear warheads at its peak. Although the scale is now reduced, it still has more than 6,000 nuclear warheads, the largest number in the world, more than 1,000 more than the United States pieces. No matter how advanced American conventional weapons are, these nuclear warheads are still the capital that Russia dares to challenge the United States. Because they not only have “bombs”, but also “guns”. Sarmat is the gun that Russia hit the farthest and most accurately when throwing a nuclear warhead.

How powerful is it? A Sarmat is 35.5 meters long, 3 meters in diameter, and has a range of 18,000 kilometers. Don’t look at Russia’s territory across the Eurasian continent, the span is very large, launched from any corner of the Russian territory, a 25 million ton TNT equivalent nuclear warhead can be sent to Washington within a few hours, or ten. The 750,000-ton TNT-yield sub-missiles hit ten major American cities.

The two atomic bombs dropped by the US military on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had an equivalent of only over 10,000 tons, which means that one Sarmat could destroy them There are more than 1,000 cities the size of Hiroshima. Don’t look at the fact that the United States has the world’s most advanced anti-missile system, known as the strongest “shield”, but it still has nothing to do with Sarmat, the sharpest “spear” in the world.

Salmatt can carry up to 15 warheads, each of which is maneuverable, making it difficult for Americans to track its movements. In addition, Sarmat also carried 40 decoy bombs, which means that in order to successfully intercept a Sarmat, more than 50 sub-missiles must be intercepted at the same time. Anti-aircraft missiles cannot be guaranteed to hit every shot. Generally speaking, more than 5 missiles are needed to successfully intercept a warhead. Therefore, once five Sarmats strike at the same time, at least 1,000 air defense missiles will be required to be launched at the same time to intercept them. Even the United States cannot withstand such a saturation attack.

Do you know which countries in the world have ICBMs? Why is such a powerful missile as the Sarmat still using liquid fuel?

In order to achieve nuclear deterrence, nuclear warheads are not enough. In order to form nuclear deterrence, tools must be used to throw nuclear warheads on the enemy’s head. This Tools can be strategic bombers, nuclear submarines, or ICBMs. These three tools form a nuclear power trinity of nuclear strike capabilities.

At present, there are 9 nuclear-armed countries in the world, but only 50% of them have the trinity nuclear strike capability and intercontinental missiles. Other nuclear countries, like India, they are proud of the “Agni 5” missile, which has a range of 5,000 kilometers, but it is still far from the ICBM.

India Agni-5 missile

For a missile to become an ICBM, it must have a range of more than 8,000 kilometers and at least one nuclear warhead.At present, only Wuchang has mastered this technology, and Russia is the leader among them. Ermatt is one of Russia’s most powerful weapons.

In the 1970s, the Soviet Union fielded the world’s most advanced SS-18 intercontinental ballistic missiles at the time.

This missile has terrorized the United States and the West for decades, and the RS-28 Sarmat is Satan’s successor.

“Satan” ICBM

Although most ICBMs now use solid fuel, it does not mean that liquid missiles are completely backward, and in the field of liquid rockets, Russia is well-deserved in the world. Atlas 5 launch vehicle strong>On, the Russian RD-180 liquid rocket engine is used. Therefore, although most of the current missiles use solid fuel, for Sarmat, the use of liquid engines does not affect its advanced nature.

compared to solid fuel , liquidfuel has a high energy density and a large specific gravity, making it easier to control the flow and jetting direction during flight, with stronger maneuverability and less likely to be intercepted, so now Wuchang There are also many liquid-fueled intercontinental missiles in service in the country. Salmat also uses a new type of Russian fuel, which is less toxic and can be stored for many years after refueling, unlike early liquid fuels that are highly toxic, have short storage periods, and need to be refueled before launch. Sarmat’s wartime survivability. And thanks to the huge thrust engine, Sarmat has realized the “small horse-drawn cart”. Compared with its predecessor, which weighs more than 200 tons, it only relies on a small body of more than 100 tons. , can achieve a load capacity of 10 tons.

What would happen if I put a hypersonic nuclear warhead on an ICBM? Russia is developing hypersonic waverider warheads for Sarmat. How will this change for Sarmat?

Dongfeng 17,“Dagger”We are all familiar with these hypersonic missiles. They generally use conventional warheads. No country in the world has hypersonic nuclear warheads.

However, nuclear warheads capable of achieving hypersonic speeds may soon be available, and Russia is developing a

on the Sarmat ICBM. /span>YU-71 hypersonic glide vehicle. This hypersonic vehicle uses the shape of a “waverider” and can fly at a speed of more than Mach 10. It can perform similar “floating” maneuvers in nearby space, making the flight trajectory more difficult to capture. Most importantly, unlike general hypersonic weapons that use conventional warheads, the YU-71 is a powerful nuclear warhead that ensures lethality while maintaining speed. With the existing anti-missile system in the United States, it is very difficult to successfully intercept Sarmat. Once the hypersonic warhead is installed, it will allow Sarmat to easily break through the U.S. defense line.

At the beginning of this year, Russia announced that it will be equipped with about 20 Sarmat missiles to completely replace the old Satan missiles. In the future, at the forefront of the confrontation between Russia and the United States, we will definitely see these Sarmat figures.