@rosacne “patient”, please check the skin care guide!

Rose acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that occurs in the middle of the face, mainly manifesting as repeated flushing and erythema in the middle of the face.

However, if only paroxysmal flushing occurs repeatedly, drug treatment is generally not required, and it can be effectively controlled by scientific skin care, lifestyle improvement, and reduction of irritating factors.

What is rosacea?

Rose acne is a kind of acne that occurs in the middle of the face (such as the cheeks, cheeks, eyebrows, chin and nose, etc.) and mainly affects the facial blood vessels, nerves and pilosebaceous units. Chronic relapsing inflammatory disease.

The main clinical manifestations are facial skin paroxysmal flushing, persistent erythema or papules, pustules, telangiectasia, etc. A few patients may have hyperplasia and ocular changes.

The disease is more common in women between the ages of 20 and 50, but it can also occur in children and the elderly. Generally after 3 months of treatment can be basically controlled or significantly improved. Most patients have recurrent attacks over several years or decades, requiring repeated and intermittent treatment.

However, if only paroxysmal flushing occurs repeatedly, drug treatment is generally not required, and it can be effectively controlled by scientific skin care, lifestyle improvement, and reduction of irritating factors.

At present, the pathogenesis is not completely clear, and the consensus at home and abroad believes that it may be a chronic inflammatory disease dominated by abnormal immune and vasomotor functions induced by multiple factors on the basis of a certain genetic background. .

How to take care of rosacea “patients”?

Skin care is very important in the prevention and treatment of rosacea.

For skin care, it sounds easy, but in fact, it is also a lot of attention.

The first is to clean the skin. Try not to wash your face with hot or cold water. Use your fingers instead of a face towel to clean your face. Minimize partial facial massage and friction to avoid excessive cleaning.

Secondly, in the selection of skin care products, acid-containing skin care products and “three noes” skin care products should be avoided, and barrier creams and make-up should be used with caution. When choosing a product, it is recommended to choose a product that is less irritating and suitable for you. Friends who suffer from moderate to severe rosacea suggest to simplify skin care, such as those with dry face, only use external moisturizing skin care products.

Finally, sun protection should also be paid attention to. It is recommended to use physical sun protection measures such as parasols, sunglasses, and hats. After the skin lesions are basically controlled, a simplified formula and inorganic sunscreens can be considered. Main sunscreen.

Can rosacea “patients” use color cosmetics?

For those rosacea patients who like to be more refined, they may think, can I still use makeup when I have this disease?

In this regard, An An recommends not to use color cosmetics, but after the skin lesions are basically controlled, you can consider trying a sunscreen with a simplified formula and mainly inorganic sunscreens.

Most make-up products contain chemically irritating ingredients. Once used, they may irritate the skin and lead to more serious acne disease and affect the recovery of the disease.

A special reminder to friends is that when purchasing makeup products, pay attention to avoid choosing “three-no” products, and if there is facial skin discomfort during use, you should pay enough attention, and stop using any facial care in time. or isolated products.

Warm tips for rosacea “patients”

For those who are prone to rosacea, In addition to paying attention to skin care and sun protection, it is also recommended to relax and avoid tension, anxiety or emotional agitation, which is conducive to the recovery of the disease.

A small number of patients have symptoms such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc., and anti-anxiety drugs can be used. In terms of diet, it is recommended to have a light diet as much as possible, avoid tobacco, alcohol, coffee, excessively cold and overheated diets, and avoid spicy and greasy foods.

For friends who have aggravated rosacea during menstruation, endocrine and reproductive system diseases should be excluded if necessary. Paying attention to diet, sleep and mood regulation before menstruation can help prevent the recurrence of rosacea.


In recent years, the number of patients with rosacea has increased significantly, and the age of onset has become younger. The survey found that most of these patients have problems such as excessive cleansing of the skin, frequent external application of facial masks, and complex daily skin care procedures. This suggests that we need to be vigilant about whether excessive skin care can increase the risk of rosacea.


1. Rosacea Research Center of Dermatology Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Rosacea Professional Committee of Dermatologists Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of rosacea in China (2021 Edition)[J].Chinese Journal of Dermatology,2021,54(04):279-288.

2. Ma Li, Wang Bin, Hou Suchun. Research on daily skin care habits and the risk of rosacea[J] ]. Journal of Dermatology and Venereology, 2021, 28(04): 271-274.