Rhinitis is repeated, what should I do? Try these 5 methods, or you can get rid of rhinitis entanglement

Every spring, everyone will find some people with allergic rhinitis around; Symptoms such as sneezing are almost affecting normal life and work.

And this is because there is more pollen in spring, and it is easy to cause allergic reactions due to pollen, so the incidence of allergic rhinitis will be higher.

Then, after allergic rhinitis occurs, you can try these 5 methods, which may improve the troubles of the attack:

1. Washing the nasal cavity with saline

Rhinitis is mainly due to congestion of the nasal mucosa, leading to nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, etc. symptom. Nasal washing with normal saline is a physical treatment. It rinses the secretions in the nasal cavity and keeps the nasal cavity clean and moist, thereby reducing the irritation of the nasal secretions to the nasal mucosa, and reducing the congestion and swelling of the mucosa, thereby relieving the symptoms of rhinitis. .

When cleaning the nose with normal saline, you can use 10 grams of table salt, dissolve it with boiling water at a ratio of 1:10, and then use a cotton swab Soak salt water into the nostrils and slowly wash.

2. Massage

For people with rhinitis, appropriate Massage can also relieve nasal congestion, rhinitis and other symptoms. Before massaging, make preparations, wash your hands clean and then rub them hot, and then rub the index finger back and forth along the sides of the nose until the nose feels hot, which can dredge the meridians on both sides of the nose.

3. Pay attention to your diet

Be careful not to eat nourishing foods, such as mutton and other nourishing foods. Can not eat some spicy and hot food. Drink more water and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins.

4. Avoid contact with allergens

Avoid contact with allergens as well One of the effective ways to prevent the onset of rhinitis, for example, if our nose is more sensitive to pollen, then try to avoid going to places with more flowers; if you are more sensitive to dust and bacteria, try to wear a mask when going out. Once allergens are identified, they can be prevented as soon as possible to avoid adverse reactions.

5. Moderate exercise

Exercise can not only improve the body’s immunity and disease resistance, but also Resist the virus, so you can prevent some diseases from happening. Therefore, for rhinitis, the body’s resistance has increased, which is also beneficial in certain aspects.