Research on the medication rules of Chinese medicine master Yan Zhenghua containing tangerine peel based on data mining

Chinese Medicine Master Yan Zhenghua Prescription Based on Chenpi Data Mining Wu Jiarui, Guo Weixian, Zhang Bing, Zhang Xiaomeng, Yang Bing, Sheng Xiaoguang(Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102)[Abstract ]In this study, a database was constructed based on the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance assistance system on the basis of collecting prescriptions, and then data mining methods such as association rule apriori algorithm were used to analyze the frequency of commonly used single drugs, the frequency of drug combinations, and the associations. Rules and core drug combinations, etc. Studies have shown that prescriptions containing tangerine peel are often used to treat stomach pain, cough and other symptoms, and the association rules of high-frequency drug combinations including “tangerine peel and tuckahoe”, “red peony and dried tangerine peel” include “licorice → tangerine peel”, “Neishaoxiangfu”. tangerine peel”, “Poria tangerine peel” and other drugs used in prescriptions mostly have the functions of regulating qi and promoting blood circulation. [keyword] Chenpi data mining; association rules

Professor Yan Zhenghua is a master of Chinese medicine, a famous teacher of Chinese medicine in the capital, and has rich experience in diagnosis and treatment. Previous studies have shown that tangerine peel is one of the commonly used clinical medicines of Professor Yan Zhenghua [1-2]. Abdominal distention and other symptoms. In this study, 1027 prescriptions containing tangerine peel were collected and sorted out by Yan Zhenghua, and then based on the TCM inheritance assistance platform software, data mining method was applied to analyze the frequency, core combination and high-confidence association rules of prescriptions containing tangerine peel, hoping to inherit and carry forward. Professor Yan Zhenghua’s academic thoughts provide reference. 1 Materials and methods1.1 Prescription collectionfrom Professor Yan Zhenghua collected and sorted out 1027 prescriptions containing tangerine peel in the prescriptions of the Chinese Medicine Hall of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 1.2 Analysis SoftwareThis study uses the “Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Auxiliary Platform System (v2.0.1)” software as the research platform , the software is provided by the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. 1.3 Entry and verification of prescriptionsThe above-screened prescriptions are entered into the “Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Auxiliary Platform (V2.0.1)” )”, after the input is completed, two persons are responsible for the review of the data to ensure the accuracy of the data. 1.4 Data AnalysisThrough the “Statistical Reporting System” in the “Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Auxiliary Platform (V2.0.1)” software The “Prescription Statistics” function in the “Data Analysis System” and the “Prescription Analysis” function in the “Data Analysis System” are carried out. The main research includes drug frequency statistics and prescription rule analysis (including association rule analysis, extraction combination, network display, etc.). 2 Results2.1 Analysis of TCM Diseases< /span>1027 prescriptions containing tangerine peel involved a total of 46 TCM diseases, of which 22 were diseases with a frequency higher than 10, as shown in Table 1. 2.2 Frequency analysis of commonly used drugsin 1027 prescriptions with a frequency higher than 15 Flavored drugs, see Table 2. The association rule mining method was used to carry out research under the conditions of support ≥ 20% and confidence ≥ 0.9, and 28 commonly used drug combinations were obtained. Among them, there are 21 combinations of 2 herbs and 7 combinations of 3 herbs, as shown in Table 3. The association rules are shown in Table 4.

, 30%, 20% support conditions respectively The drug association network diagram below is shown in Figure 1.such as width=”600″> As shown in Figure 1, when the support is low (10%), the use of the drug can be fully displayed; when the support is rising (20%), the formula of the drug can be clearly displayed. The combination of soothing, regulating qi, tonifying qi, and diuresis and dampness; when the support level rises to 30%, it can be clearly concluded that the combination of qi-regulating and blood-activating drugs and dried tangerine peel is the most frequently used, such as Jihu, bergamot, Cyperus officinalis , Amomum, Paeonia lactiflora, Salvia, etc. 2.4 In-depth analysis of core drug combinations in prescriptions containing tangerine peelAccording to the high frequency drug combinations shown in Table 3, select Among them, the 3 combinations with the highest frequency were analyzed in depth with the combination of “Chen Pi-Poria” with the medicine for diuresis and dampness, “Chen Pi-Chishao” with the heat-clearing and blood-cooling medicine, and “Chen Pi-Xiang Fu” with the qi-regulating medicine, and the support levels were set respectively. For 20%, 30%, and 40%, make a network diagram of drug combination under different support conditions, as shown in Figures 2-4. in pic2 , Observed from left to right, when the support is 20%, the number of drugs displayed is more, and the drug combination and compatibility can be displayed more comprehensively; when the support is 30%, the number of drugs is reduced, only The drug combination with higher confidence and support is shown; when the support rises to 40%, the number of drugs is further reduced, and the most frequently used core combination is clearly displayed. As shown in the figure, the three drug combinations “Tangerine peel-Poria”, “Tangerine peel-Red peony”, “Tangerine peel-Xiang Fu” are mostly used together with qi-regulating and blood-activating drugs, such as “Tangerine peel-Red peony” combination is mostly used with Salvia, White peony root, bergamot, and green skin are equivalently used, and the combination of “tangerine peel-xiangfu” is mostly used with white peony root, red peony root, Su stem, and bergamot. 3 DiscussionsThis study applies data mining The association rule method was used to analyze the characteristics of Professor Yan Zhenghua’s prescriptions containing tangerine peel. The results of the study showed that the prescription involved 46 diseases, of which the more frequent ones included stomach pain, cough, acid regurgitation, dizziness, chest pain, hypochondriac pain, discharge, fullness, headache, abdominal pain, hiccups, etc. The research also shows that the most frequently prescribed traditional Chinese medicines are qi-regulating and blood-activating and stasis-removing drugs, such as Jihu, bergamot, Cyperus officinalis, Amomum, white peony root, and Salvia miltiorrhiza. At the same time, this study studies drug combinations from different levels of support and multi-level, and analyzes the laws between drugs through horizontal and vertical comparisons, which can not only reflect the individual characteristics of each drug combination, but also reflect the core of the commonality of different combinations. drugs, providing a good method for discovering and summarizing patterns (371. For example, in the analysis of the combination of tangerine peel and fragrant root, under the condition that the support degree is 40%, the core compatible drugs include sugerin, red peony root, white peony root, bergamot, tuckahoe, amomum, etc., of which sugerin and bergamot are professor Yan Zhenghua’s treatment of liver and stomach Commonly used drugs for qi stagnation, red peony root and white peony root are the common combination of Professor Yan Zhenghua in the treatment of qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome. It is suitable for people with qi stagnation and dampness. Combination of various medicines, invigorating the spleen, nourishing qi, promoting boiling, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and removing dampness, the combination is exquisite and legal. Another example is in the analysis of the combination of tangerine peel and red peony root, under the condition of 40% support, the core compatible drugs include white peony root, bergamot, tuckahoe, citrus aurantium, fragrant root, danshen and so on. Its drug function characteristics are basically consistent with the analysis results of the combination of tangerine peel and Cymbidium radix. This study shows that the most prescribed ailments include stomach pain, cough and acid regurgitation. From the analysis of disease concept and etiology and pathogenesis, stomach pain is a spleen and gastrointestinal disease syndrome mainly caused by pain in the upper abdominal epigastric region due to stagnation of qi in the stomach, stasis of the stomach collaterals, loss of nourishment for the stomach, and pain caused by pain; Cough is caused by stagnation of lung qi and stagnation of phlegm and dampness, and is a type of disease syndrome characterized by reversal of qi and cough. Acidic substances. Although the concepts of stomach pain, cough and acid regurgitation are different, the pathogenesis is common. For example, the occurrence of stomach pain, cough, and acid regurgitation is closely related to the poor Qi, and stomach pain and acid regurgitation often occur simultaneously in clinical practice. Chenpi is good at regulating qi and strengthening the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm, and is a commonly used medicine for spleen and stomach diseases and exogenous diseases. Yan Lao is well versed in the properties of medicines, knows how to make good use of medicines, and makes full use of the characteristics of tangerine peel to regulate Qi and soothe the lungs and stomach. In conclusion, based on the TCM inheritance assistance platform, this study conducted a mining study on the prescriptions of Chinese medicine master Professor Yan Zhenghua containing tangerine peel, and demonstrated and compared the characteristics of drug combinations under different support conditions. On this basis, the rules and characteristics of medication for different diseases were analyzed, and new knowledge and new information that were not found in previous traditional research were obtained, which provided a reference for Professor Yan Zhenghua’s in-depth exploration and inheritance of medication rules. 〔Acknowledgments〕The paper was written under the guidance of researcher Yang Hongjun of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. [References][1] Wu Jiarui, Zhang Bing. Record of clinical experience of Chinese medicine master Yan Zhenghua [M]. 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This article is from: “Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine2014-02-15

Editor: Liu Di

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