Rescued 4 acute myocardial infarction patients in their 30s in 1 week, all of them were male! There are 6 habits!

In the past week, 4 myocardial infarction patients in their 30s were rescued.

The youngest is 35, two are 36 and one is 38.

Why are there more and more young myocardial infarction patients?

First of all, we can find their first common feature, that is, these 4 young myocardial infarction patients are all male:

1. Why are they all male?

Does acute myocardial infarction still have eyes, just staring at men?

The same can be said, but it is not that acute myocardial infarction causes eyes, but that young women have the protection of estrogen, so relatively speaking, the risk of three high, and cardiovascular disease The risk is significantly lower than that of men.

But once a woman passes menopause, estrogen plummets, and by then, a woman’s risk of triple-high risk and cardiovascular disease rises dramatically.

Therefore, young men should pay more attention to the three highs and cardiovascular health than young women; and for women, after menopause, they must pay attention to three highs and cardiovascular health.

It is because of the irritant protection of young women that myocardial infarction occurs in young people, most of whom are men.

This is not to say, of course, that young men don’t get myocardial infarction and young women don’t.

The four young patients rescued this week share many common living habits, which are the main reason for their acute myocardial infarction.

Second, there are 6 habits

1. Unhealthy diet

This generation, that is, the post-80s generation, is also a large number of only children, and also a group of people who are loved by their parents, grandparents, and grandparents.

When I was a kid, I liked to eat whatever I wanted to eat. After catching up with the reform and opening up, the living standard has been greatly improved, and all kinds of so-called “delicious”, greasy, meat, refined grains and other foods have become the main daily diet.

As a result, long-term high-oil, high-salt, high-sugar, and high-fine grains have led to an increased risk of three highs, leading to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

2. Never exercise

The post-80s who grew up doted on, seldom did housework when they were young, and were spoiled by grandparents and grandparents.

Afraid of touching it, afraid of falling, I wish I could hold it in the palm of my hand and put it in my mouth. So I have no habit of exercising since I was a child.

If we don’t exercise for a long time, many things will happen to our body, the most obvious one is that we are getting fatter and weaker. Breathing after running, going upstairs, and brisk walking.

Then if you think about not exercising for a long time, our heart and blood vessels will not be exercised, so cardiovascular disease is prone to occur.

3. Severely overweight

The word “fat sun” is probably the nickname of this generation when they were young.

The reason for being fat is that this generation is eating well and not exercising. The two main reasons for being overweight or obese are: eating too “good” and exercising too little. As a result, the energy will be converted into fat and accumulated in the body.

When the fat accumulates, our blood vessels are actually changing, that is, the plaques gradually increase, and the pipes gradually become thinner, until cardiovascular disease occurs.

4. Long-term heavy smoking

Don’t look at all in their 30s, they have been smoking for nearly 30 years, and they smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day at most.

This generation has no shortage of money when they were young, and is catching up with foreign cultures. Many people started smoking in junior high school and high school.

Long-term smoking results not only in the lungs, but also in our cardiovascular system, leading to increased atherosclerosis and, over time, cardiovascular disease.

The longer you smoke and the more total you smoke, the greater the harm.

5. Stay up late

Without exception, all 4 people often go to bed after 12:00. And it’s a habit for many years, the younger you are, the later you sleep.

Long-term sleep is not guaranteed, our immunity will decline, and every skill of our body will be tested. Of course, it will also affect the cardiovascular system, aggravate the three high risks, and increase the risk of atherosclerosis.

When I was young, I could really endure staying up late, but this is like when I was young, I didn’t make much money, but I felt that the days were still long, so I tried my best to borrow money from the bank and use credit cards. As a result, within a few years, I found that I had no ability to repay at all. At that time, I faced credit security and faced bankruptcy.

And when we are young, sleep well, just like we put some money in the bank every month, so even if we are old, there is a certain amount of savings.

6. Never check up

4 people, after admission, were found to have high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high triglyceride, abnormal blood sugar, and high blood pressure. But the 4 never knew that they had three highs, let alone taking medicine because of three highs.

This is still a matter of health awareness. They all think that the three highs or cardiovascular disease are diseases of the elderly, and they are only in their 30s, so they do not measure blood pressure, do not take blood tests for blood lipids, blood sugar. I think I am healthy, but it turns out that most of the three highs are actually not uncomfortable in the early stage, so we adults should monitor our blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipid levels, especially men should know whether they have three highs.

In short, young people, especially young men, should live a healthy life, pay more attention to the three highs, and pay attention to cardiovascular health.

Life is in danger before it is halfway through. The road ahead is still very long, but it is up to you whether you can finish it or not!