Renji Hospital’s emergency battle against the “epidemic”: the number of emergency and critically ill patients has repeatedly hit new highs, and the line of life and death is “running” for life

Emergency, a place where all-weather “races” with life. As a top-three general hospital located in Pudong New Area, after the outbreak of this round of epidemic, the emergency department of Renji Hospital, which was already very busy, is facing even more arduous challenges. , this is a “war” and a “big exam”.

Since mid to late March, the emergency department of Renji Hospital has been under unprecedented pressure. During this period, the number of “120” first-aid visitors to the hospital repeatedly hit new highs, with an average of more than 100 vehicles per day, 2-3 times that before the epidemic, and the highest daily number was close to 200; the maximum number of patients in the emergency room exceeded 200, which was the top 3 in the epidemic. The highest number of emergency visits in a single day is close to 1,000… gritted their teeth to overcome difficulties, the emergency department of Renji Hospital worked day and night to “run” for life.

One after another “extraordinary measures” weaving a dense epidemic prevention network

Wearing protective equipment, the emergency nucleic acid sampling nurse Shen Jieyun is the emergency nurse. first line of defense.

“Most of the emergency patients are older and more seriously ill, and they want to be treated as soon as possible. Therefore, especially during the peak hours of medical treatment, patients and their families are inevitably impatient.” Shen Jieyun said that sampling nurses should hurry up Do a good job of sampling, but also pay attention to soothe the emotions of the patients. For her own risk, Shen Jieyun smiled, “Be careful, don’t be afraid!”

This round of epidemic Since then, the emergency department of Renji Hospital has been operating at a high level and overloaded, and the outpatient and emergency department, nursing department, medical department, hospital infection office and various clinical departments have continuously optimized the process and kept the emergency line of defense.

In order to reduce the probability of nosocomial infection caused by patients with fever or abnormal flow regulation, Renji Hospital has placed the emergency pre-examination gate at the front, and re-divided the “three areas and two channels”, and the temperature measurement, flow Pre-examination procedures such as adjustment and triage are moved from the entrance of the emergency department to the door of the hospital, and those with fever or non-green code or abnormal flow and adjustment are detected in time, and they will be accompanied by a special person to the fever clinic.

The emergency renovation was implemented simultaneously. The emergency entrance opened up a special channel for ordinary emergency patients and an ambulance channel, and established emergency patient transition areas, critically ill patients rescue areas, suspected patient isolation rooms and other areas, and classified patients with different risk levels. .

At the same time, after the patient arrives at the emergency department, the nucleic acid and antigen test will be carried out on the spot, and the patient will go to the doctor immediately after sampling without waiting for the nucleic acid result; the ambulance will come to the hospital Patients directly enter the emergency buffer zone and take samples while rescuing; patients and their family members who are in the emergency hospital for observation are subjected to nucleic acid sampling every day. Once a positive case is found, it will be locked immediately and the personnel will be transferred as soon as possible.

Aiming at the super transmission characteristics of the Omikron virus, “civil defense + technical defense” Make every effort to stop the spread of the virus in the hospital. After evaluation, the emergency hall of Renji Hospital has turned on the fresh air system, and more than 20 human-machine coexisting disinfection machines have been purchased and placed in the emergency area. …In the event of an emergency, the Hospital Infection Office will quickly mobilize the force to trace the source and implement precise control.

We will do our best to treat and not give up any patient

At the beginning of the outbreak, positive cases appeared in the emergency department. It is required that the emergency protection level be upgraded, which has led to an increase in the number of medical staff working shifts, and the sudden increase in the number of medical visits, resulting in a shortage of emergency medical resources. Renji Hospital immediately issued a mobilization order, and the senior medical and nursing backbones of various departments were quickly enriched to the front line of the emergency department. .

Mr. Tang, who walked around in front of the gate of hell, was particularly emotional. The 36-year-old is a farmer in Pujiang Township. At the end of March, he suddenly felt severe abdominal pain and had to go to the emergency department of Renjinan Hospital despite the epidemic. This is not ordinary abdominal pain, but acute severe hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis, the situation is critical!

In the emergency department of the South Hospital, Mr. Tang suffered from acute respiratory distress syndrome, and his heart stopped for a while. After cardiopulmonary resuscitation, tracheal intubation, and later tracheotomy and renal replacement therapy, he recovered from the brink of life and death . Just when his condition was not stable, the South Hospital was assigned the task of becoming a designated hospital for COVID-19, so Mr. Tang was transferred to the Emergency Care Unit of the East Hospital. He was unconscious at the time, and treatment was still difficult. Under the leadership of Director Xu Xinhui and Head Nurse Wang Fang of the Emergency Care Unit, the treatment team formulated a strict treatment plan, and Mr. Tang finally ushered in the day when he was successfully extubated and released from the ventilator.

After removing the tracheostomy tube and sealing the tracheostomy, the nurse brought the mobile phone. When his wife spoke, she couldn’t help crying, “My memory is still stuck in the abdominal pain when I went to the emergency department of the South Hospital to see a doctor. When the epidemic is so severe, Renji Hospital still spares no effort to save me.”

At present, Mr. Tang has been discharged from the hospital successfully. There are still many stories of such treatment in the emergency department of Renji Hospital under the epidemic.

“Eating” has nothing to do with medical care, but the hospital decided to take care of it as well

During the entire epidemic, Renji The emergency medical staff of the hospital are all sealed and controlled in the hospital and on the post. At the same time, in addition to the patients and their families, there are also a group of people who are “sealed and controlled” here—unknown workers. They are like the screws in the high-speed machine in the emergency department. They are inconspicuous but indispensable.

In the past 50 days, the cleaner Rao Bangqing has always been in the emergency area, disinfecting, washing, collecting, packing, Clearing and transporting patients and medical careRaw medical and domestic waste… He has several jobs. Due to the closure of the community and other reasons, the workers are also facing “non-combat attrition”, and the workload of the workers stationed in the hospital is several times that of the past. In addition to the time to put on and take off and change protective clothing, Rao Bangqing often works more than 12 hours a day.

There are still many unexpected things during the epidemic. For example, patients who come to the hospital will worry about eating – because of the lockdown, the shops outside the hospital are closed. “Eating” has nothing to do with medical care, but Renji Hospital decided to take care of it as well. During the epidemic, according to the choices of the patients and their families, the hospital has set up a box lunch supply point, and also provides food services through various channels such as ordering through the “Renji Convenience” applet and takeaway reception points, so as to protect the citizens who come to the hospital ” I am sick, and I am not hungry.”.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, the emergency department is faced with a lot of work-intensive work, high exposure risk, high patient anxiety, and shortage of supplies. It is difficult, but even so, the medical staff always try their best to treat every critically ill patient. The good news is that with the effective control of the epidemic in Shanghai, no positive cases have been detected in the emergency department of Renji Hospital for several consecutive days. “I believe that victory is not far away, and the dawn is ahead.” The emergency department said.

Author: Tang Wenjia

Editor: Jiang Peng< /p>

Responsible editor: Fan Liping

*Wenhui’s exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source for reprinting .