Reminder: If you want to live a long life, 40 to 55 years old is a critical period, do three things less, and you will live longer

“Blending wine is too harmful!” Mr. Liu is 45 years old this year. He has been drinking wine for more than ten years. In his opinion, wine below 50° is not called wine, and he basically drinks half a catty every day. Around the height of alcohol. Every time his family asked him to stop drinking, but he always refused to listen. Last week, Mr. Liu was sent to the hospital by his family for examination due to sudden severe abdominal pain. The doctor found that a 5 cm tumor had grown in his liver, and it had already metastasized. He was in an advanced stage of liver cancer and could not even be moved for surgery. Mr. Liu recalled that he had dizziness and headache every time after drinking alcohol. He felt that there was a problem with the alcohol, and it was the “blended wine” that caused him to get cancer. If he had been drinking pure grain wine, I would not have reached this stage. , he regretted it.

First, drinking “grain wine” will not make you dizzy, but drinking blended wine will make you “head up”?

In fact, all liquor processes at present use this step of blending. my country’s national standard divides liquor into three types according to the production process, namely solid liquor and liquid liquor. And solid-liquid method liquor, in the process of liquor production, blending/blending is an important process.

Blending is not the traditional perception of adding edible alcohol and essence for blending, but it is a blending of liquors of different batches/ages/tastes according to certain quality requirements. Decrease the alcohol level and season it so that the proportion of various trace ingredients in the wine is appropriate to meet the different standards of different manufacturers. At the same time, it is also necessary to conform to the traditional style of the brand, so that the liquor can achieve the purpose of harmony and balance in color, flavor, and flavor.

The main ingredient in wine is alcohol, which is metabolized into acetaldehyde by alcohol dehydrogenase after entering the body. Some people drink a lot of alcohol or have metabolic disorders, which will cause a large amount of acetaldehyde to accumulate in the body. resulting in the appearance of drunkenness. No matter what kind of wine you drink, as long as it contains alcohol, it will cause people to “go up”, which is the “pot” of alcohol rather than blending.

In life, we often see some people who need to drink liquor every day, and even some older people drink half a catty every year. Will these people’s lifespan be affected?

Second, how long can you live if you drink half a catty of alcohol every day?

In a study published in the journal The Lancet and conducted by the University of Cambridge in the UK, researchers analyzed recent studies in 19 countries and territories. Data from 600,000 drinkers with no history of cardiovascular disease led to the following conclusions.

1. Alcohol intake of more than 100g per week: the risk of all-cause mortality begins to increase

2. Alcohol intake of 200 to 350 grams per week: life expectancy shortened by 1-2 years;

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3. Consumption of more than 350 grams of alcohol per week: life expectancy may be shortened by 4 to 5 years.

In short, the risk of death among drinkers increases with alcohol consumption.

And the higher the alcohol content, the more alcohol you will consume. Generally, alcohol above 51° is high alcohol, and alcohol intake (g)=drinking amount (ml) alcohol content (%) × 0.8 (alcohol density). Taking half a catty of 52° wine (250ml) as an example, the alcohol intake = 250*52%*0.8=104g, the amount of drinking in one day exceeds the safe dose for one week, and the intake in one week reaches 728g, which is seriously exceeding the standard.

Drinking also has a great impact on the life expectancy of Chinese residents. According to the data released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, drinking reduces the life expectancy of Chinese residents by 0.43 years and men by 0.77 years. .

For the sake of your own health, you should quit drinking as soon as possible. Especially for middle-aged people, alcohol will bring a series of damage to the body, which I believe you will be hard to bear. Three, people who can quit drinking should try to quit drinking when they are middle-aged

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology has published a paper, the paper is aimed at our country The drinking status of men aged 20-79 was investigated. The results showed that the alcohol consumption of middle-aged men in my country was the highest compared with other age groups. The drinking rate of 30-59-year-old men exceeded 60%, and the drinking rate of 40-49-year-old men was the highest.

What does drinking do to them?

1. Cancer

As early as 1988, alcohol was listed as a Class 1 carcinogen by the International Cancer Society. strong>, after it enters the body, it will be metabolized into acetaldehyde, which will degrade organ function and increase the risk of tumors. The most alcohol-related cancer is liver cancer, followed by esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, and colorectal cancer.

2. Infertility

Long-term drinking can easily induce male infertility. For couples who are trying to conceive, it is best to limit or avoid alcohol.

3. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Excessive drinking may lead to the occurrence of hypertension, causing the body to suffer from chronic diseases and increasing some heart disease. Risk of cerebrovascular accident.

4. Liver damage After alcohol enters the body, it needs to be metabolized by the liver, which is easy to cause liver damageFunctional damage, induce alcoholic liver, alcoholic fatty liver, etc., and even induce alcoholic liver cirrhosis in severe cases.

Many people are very aware of the harm that alcohol will bring, but they cannot completely quit drinking due to some force majeure factors. For these people, it is recommended to do these three points well, which can reduce the damage to the body to a certain extent.

Fourth, if you can’t quit drinking, please remember these 3 points 1. Don’t drink alcohol on an empty stomach

Drinking on an empty stomach is not only easy to get drunk, but also causes damage to the body. Each organ brings greater stimulation and easily induces functional damage.

2. Do not drink miscellaneous alcohol

It is not recommended to mix a variety of wines together, as it is more harmful to the body. If liquor and beer are mixed together, the carbon dioxide and water in the beer will accelerate the body’s absorption of the high concentration of alcohol in the liquor, which will cause more harm to the body.

3. Don’t drink too much alcohol

Don’t drink too much, otherwise it will cause the body If alcohol is absorbed too quickly, the burden on various organs in the body will be greatly increased, which will not only cause physical damage, but also be prone to accidents. It is best to drink slowly when drinking, and it is best to go with some meals. Xiao Ai hereby reminds everyone that recommending some ways to reduce harm is not to encourage everyone to drink, but to some people who have to drink. Most ordinary people don’t have so many “difficulties”, and they still want to stay away from alcohol as much as possible. Reference: [1]Angela M Wood et al. Risk thresholds for alcohol consumption: combined analysis of individual-participant data for 599912 current drinkers in 83 prospective studies. Lancet, 2018,391 (10129): 1513.

< p>[2]Drinking reduces the life expectancy of Chinese residents by 0.43 years. Health Times.2018.11.13

[3]The drinking rate exceeds 60%. Why do middle-aged men like to drink? |Rational Numbers. The Beijing News. 2018.4.21

[4] Is it right to “blending” liquor? How much do you know? .National Party Media Information Public Platform.2021.4.7