Reminder: If polyps are found in 2 parts, they should be removed in time, or they may become malignant tumors.

Some people gain weight easily, even if they drink water. And some people don’t grow any fat no matter how much they eat, which makes many obese people envious. But in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, in fact, not eating fat is also a kind of morbidity.

This symptom of “no matter how much you eat without getting fat” is called “eliminating the grain and improving hunger” in traditional Chinese medicine. What does that mean? The literal meaning is also very easy to understand. The more hungry you eat, the sooner you will be hungry. Sometimes you just finish eating, but you are hungry again. Why is this? This is because there is fire in the stomach, and food is digested very quickly, just like when the fire in the stove is very strong, no matter what you throw in it, it will melt away quickly. The nutrients you eat are not carefully absorbed and utilized, so naturally you will not gain weight if you eat too much.

People with strong stomach fire are often accompanied by the following symptoms

1, bitter mouth, bad breath

2, especially easy to dry mouth, like to eat cold drinks or cold food

3, dry stool, short red urine

4, swollen gums, mouth ulcers


5. The corners of the mouth are prone to acne

6. Tongue image: red tongue and yellow coating

In addition, behind the strong stomach fire, there is often a spleen deficiency


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen is in charge of transformation and the stomach is in charge of appetite. The digestion and absorption of the human body is completed by the spleen and stomach together. After the food we eat is decomposed by the stomach, the essence is transported to the whole body by the spleen, along with qi and blood. If the spleen is deficient, we cannot properly transport and transform the fine substances decomposed by the stomach, and the excess parts are accumulated in the stomach or excreted from the body.