Relevant to you! The focus of the “14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine” is here Poster News reporter Li Sitong trainee reporter Han Song from Dezhou reported.

The weather is getting warmer, the spring is getting stronger, and the taste on the dining table of the citizens is getting fresher and fresher. With the arrival of local fresh wild vegetables one after another, “eating spring” has become a unique way for Texas citizens to taste spring. On March 29, a reporter from and posters visited the major farmers’ markets in Texas and found that many vegetable stalls displayed a variety of spring vegetables such as shepherd’s purse, spring bamboo shoots, noodles, and toon sprouts.

” Recently, the store has put on wild vegetables, attracting many people to come and buy, such as shepherd’s purse and noodle dishes, which can be made at home as fillings The food sells very well!” In the vegetable and fruit area of ​​the Balizhuang Convenience Market, the owner of a vegetable shop, Mr. Xu, enthusiastically told reporters that in the past, people ate wild vegetables because people’s living standards were limited, but now everyone regards wild vegetables as healthy ingredients.

According to Boss Xu, the practice of wild vegetables is simple and easy to learn. Wash it with boiling water, soak it for more than half an hour to remove the bitterness, and then add oil, onion, garlic, salt and vinegar to stir fry it. Vegetables like shepherd’s purse, elm money, and noodles can also be steamed with noodles, and they are also very delicious when dipped in garlic.

March to April is the season when all kinds of wild vegetables are just emerging, and it is also a good time to try new things. At this time, the wild vegetables are not only fresh and tender. , the most nutritious. It is understood that the overall price of wild vegetables this year is similar to that of previous years. When the first crop of Toona sinensis was listed, the price was as high as about 40 to 50 yuan per catty, but now with the warmer weather, the output has increased, and the price is 25 to 35 yuan per catty between. Shepherd’s purse and noodle dishes are more affordable, about five or six yuan per catty. In the Grain Rain season, the spring wild vegetables are basically delisted.

“It is this time of year that you can eat fresh wild vegetables, but you won’t be able to eat them after a while. I heard from friends that there are some in the market, so hurry up and come here Find some wild vegetables to change the taste.” A “savvy” lady told reporters while standing in front of the booth “purchasing vegetables” that she made a special trip to find these “good things”, and it is a must to make some wild vegetables to eat in spring. .

Wild vegetables are delicious but should not be eaten indiscriminately. Because most wild vegetables are cold and cold, people with weak spleen and stomach should eat as little as possible, otherwise it is easy to cause indigestion, diarrhea and other symptoms. In addition, it is still necessary to remind the general public and friends that they must go to regular channels to buy fresh wild vegetables, and do not pick them at random on the roadside, which not only damages the natural environment, but also poses a high safety risk. After eating wild vegetables, if you have poisoning symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.