Refinement of procedures and precise treatment, Yinchuan City makes every effort to ensure and control the order of medical treatment for the masses

Source: People’s Daily Online – Ningxia Channel

People’s Daily Online Yinchuan, May 23 (Qin Ruijie, Zhang Haifeng) On the 23rd, Yinchuan City held a press conference on responding to the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Ye Dan, secretary of the party group of the Yinchuan Municipal Health and Health Committee, introduced that Yinchuan City must make every effort to ensure the order of people seeking medical treatment in centralized isolation places and temporary control areas.

The conference site. Photo by Zhang Haifeng of People’s Daily Online

It is reported that Yinchuan City has launched the “three concentrated and one orderly” emergency medical treatment working mechanism, established a “one number – two points – one car” treatment mode, requiring any medical institution not to. The 24-hour nucleic acid negative certificate, health code, and itinerary code are all green codes as restrictions for transferring patients and receiving patients. It also requires the receiving medical institutions to strictly implement the responsibility system for the first diagnosis. For patients who really need to be referred, the receiving hospital must be responsible for contacting the referring medical institution under the premise of stabilizing the patient’s vital signs.

For people in different regions, Yinchuan refines the medical treatment process. Persons in the temporary control area shall be sent to the fever clinic of Ningxia Medical University General Hospital “point-to-point” by the community (village) contacting the health administrative department of the jurisdiction to arrange a special vehicle. After the diagnosis and treatment is over, the health administrative department of the jurisdiction will coordinate the return of the special vehicle and implement closed-loop management throughout the process. Medical observation personnel are centralized and isolated, and routine diagnosis and treatment services are provided by resident (local) medical personnel. If the medical staff at the station (local) cannot handle it, the diagnosis and treatment expert group from the autonomous region and Yinchuan City will guide the diagnosis and treatment through the remote diagnosis and treatment system; if it is really necessary to go out for diagnosis and treatment, the medical treatment team at the station (local) will contact the Municipal Emergency Rescue Center for unified deployment 120 negative pressure ambulances were transferred to the “red zone” diagnosis and treatment at the headquarters of the People’s Hospital of the Autonomous Region. After the diagnosis and treatment, the 120 negative pressure ambulance will be transferred back, and closed-loop management will be implemented throughout the process.

If you need to buy chronic medicines, residents can entrust communities (villages) or volunteers to buy them at designated medical institutions with the patient’s medical insurance card (excluding special medicines). It can also be purchased online by contacting the original retail pharmacy with the previous retained prescription, and online purchases can be realized by using remote prescribing and remote reviewing (excluding special drugs). Class A non-prescription drugs must be purchased and used under the guidance of a pharmacist.