Received a phone call but can’t remember where you’ve been? Disease control experts teach you these tips

According to Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Mei Mei correspondent Liu Shu, in the past few days, there have been confirmed cases of local new coronary pneumonia in many places. The virus “races”, the first time to follow the close connection and the second close connection. If you receive a call from the CDC staff, please cooperate and provide relevant information truthfully and comprehensively. Because your reply is very important.

Faced with the flow of staff, can you immediately remember where you have been recently? Have you seen anyone?

If not, disease control experts teach you some tips.

1. Check record traces

Call records, WeChat chat records, SMS records, electronic payment records, ride records, and even Weibo, Douyin, photos, logs, etc., can help you recall your travel and social situations.

2. Event association

What are the most impressive events in your or your family’s work, study, or life recently? Take this as a starting point, where you have been and who you have been in contact with in the days before or after.

3. Exceptions in Habits

Long-term life and work habits, such as daily commuting, time out, and circle of acquaintances, recent exceptions or new acquaintances, can help us recall our travel trajectory.

4. Common memories

Family, friends, colleagues, classmates, and people with a shared travel history who may know more about your itinerary, and you can ask them to help with your memories.

5. Consumption certificate

Consumption invoices, shopping receipts in pockets, movie ticket stubs in bags, and high-speed toll receipts in the car can all be properly saved in the near future as important memory nodes for the series trip.

Recall bias is inevitable, but by reviewing records and verifying each other, it is basically possible to restore in detail. At the same time, it also reminds everyone: enter public places and actively scan the place code to leave your footprints for accurate flow adjustment. Record your own itinerary through a carrier such as a notepad or note APP on your mobile phone, and develop the habit of recording yourself. Pay attention to the official epidemic information reminder, and compare your itinerary with the trajectory of the infected person and the place where you stay.