Read “Long-term Symptoms of New Coronary Pneumonia” in one article

In the past month, the new crown epidemic has once again swept through more than 20 provinces across the country. As the number of infections and deaths continues to increase, the sequelae and hidden dangers of people infected with the new coronavirus after recovering have drawn increasing attention.

So, what are the long-term symptoms of COVID-19? What are the common ones? How serious is it?

Long-term symptoms of COVID-19

within 3 months from the time of diagnosis, or from the date of possible infection with the new coronavirus, At least one symptom usually begins and persists for at least 2 months, and cannot be explained by other diagnoses. Symptoms may appear during infection or after recovery.

Currently, the exact number of people with long-term symptoms of COVID-19 worldwide is unknown. However, about 10~20% of people with acute new coronavirus infection will have residual symptoms for weeks to months after infection.


Variety of symptoms

Studies show that 23.19% of new crown patients have symptoms one month after diagnosis.

  • Fatigue, muscle and joint pain, etc. li>

The authoritative academic journal “Nature” published an article in August last year titled “Long-term effects of more than 50 new crowns: a systematic review” ‘s article shows that 80% of new crown patients have symptoms such as fatigue, headache, and hair loss after being cured.

  • abnormal liver and kidney function

According to the article “Evaluation of Sequelae of New Coronary Pneumonia One Year After Diagnosis of New Coronary Pneumonia” in the Chinese “Frontiers of Medicine” journal last November, a small number of patients with new coronary pneumonia discharged from hospital have Abnormal renal function, such as abnormal transaminase and creatinine values.

Medical experts in the U.K. and Canada also found that of COVID-19 patients who had been in intensive care Liver or kidney failure occurred in 8% to 12%.

However, since there is no pre-infection liver and kidney function test results, is the patient’s liver and kidney function abnormal? It is entirely attributable to COVID-19, and the jury is still out.

  • smell, Loss of taste

Nature published in August last year showed that there are 41% reported symptoms of loss of smell or taste.

An article in the American Medical Association’s Journal of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery in early December showed that in the United States, there are as many as After 1.6 million new crown patients were cured, they still suffered from loss of smell and confusion for a long time.

There is no clear explanation as to why the new crown causes the loss of smell.

  • Nervous System

What is even more frightening is that the new coronavirus may also invade the human brain and affect the human nervous system.

In August 2020, the University of Hong Kong and others jointly published a paper in Cell Research, pointing out that when the human body resists The central nervous system meets when the blood-brain barrier falls or the blood-brain barrier is disruptedRisk of being attacked by a virus.

COVID-19 can directly infect the nervous system and infect the human brain. Cortical neurons and neural group cells.

  • < span>Testicular injury

The team of Yuan Guoyong of the University of Hong Kong conducted an experiment in hamsters. After hamsters were infected with 2019-nCoV intranasally, sperm count and testosterone levels dropped sharply on days 4 to 7, and testicular atrophy, volume and weight decreased. Serum sex hormone levels were significantly decreased from 42 to 120 days after infection.

The Covid-19 vaccine effectively protects the testes from Covid-19 infection and possible complications of testicular damage .

In general, 2019-nCoV infection can cause acute testicular injury, followed by chronic asymmetric testicular atrophy and related sex hormone changes, while Vaccination against the new crown can effectively prevent this kind of testicular damage.

Health Tips:< /strong>

At this time, there isn’t enough research to show which people are more likely to have these symptoms.

Research by various medical teams shows that the symptoms mentioned above are not only manifested in critically ill patients, but also in asymptomatic patients. Patients and children also have different manifestations.

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