Rapeseed oil may reduce mortality? Is it suitable for long-term consumption? increased knowledge

The two familiar sentences “people take food as their heaven” and “food, clothing, housing and transportation” are often widely used in life. They all have a common feature that they all emphasize the importance of “food”. In daily life, with the continuous improvement of living standards and the continuous advancement of technology, we consume a variety of foods every day, and we can eat delicious food from all over the world anytime, anywhere.

But have you considered whether these foods will have an impact on our bodies while we enjoy the joy of these foods? Is it good for health?

According to research findings, different foods contain different nutrients, and the body absorbs them differently. It’s also important to note that differences in cooking methods can also greatly affect the nutrients in foods. Therefore, more attention needs to be paid to cooking in life.

Oil is essential to our cooking in our daily lives. Oil can make food more delicious after processing, and at the same time, for some special oils, it can also increase the nutrition of food, which is more beneficial to our health.

There are many types of oils on the market, such as: rapeseed oil, soybean oil, olive oil, corn oil and so on. Different oils have different effects, just like many people would think that olive oil and canola oil can reduce mortality and can be taken for a long time, but is this really the case?

I. Rapeseed Oil

1. Introduction to Rapeseed Oil

Rapeseed oil is a type of food oil. It can also be called vegetable oil or rapeseed oil. It’s called rapeseed oil because it’s primarily an oil produced by processes such as pressing the seeds of canola. Canola oil is golden in color and has a strong flavor. As one of the main edible oils in my country, rapeseed oil is widely sought after by the people.

Because our country has enough rapeseed oil, rapeseed oil also contains a lot of nutrients such as vitamins, and the human body can be very sensitive to its nutrients. Well absorbed. The addition of rapeseed oil can soften blood vessels and delay the aging of the human body, so it is deeply loved by the people along the Yangtze River in the south.

Rapeseed oil has a very long history and is widely used. It is not only the main edible oil in my country, but also used in India, Countries such as Japan and Germany also choose rapeseed oil. The difference is the type of rapeseed.

Our country mainly uses rapeseed to extract oil, because the soil in our country is very suitable for the growth of rapeseed, the output is large, and the oil content of the rapeseed is high. Also very high. And through the continuous research and cultivation in my country in recent years, the technology of planting rapeseed has been further improved.

2. Classification of rapeseed oil

The classification of rapeseed oil is mainly divided into three aspects: the method of production, the type of raw materials, and the difference in the substances contained. According to the different production methods, it can be divided into: pressed rapeseed oil and leached rapeseed oil.

The original species can be divided into transgenic and non-transgenic rapeseed oil. Finally, the different substances contained in rapeseed oil are mainly divided into general and low content. The said contained substance mainly refers to the content of erucic acid in rapeseed oil to distinguish.

Erucic acid is actually a component of fatty acids. General rapeseed oil contains between 31% and 55% erucic acid. This content is very easy to absorb for the human body, the absorption rate can reach 99%, and the relative content of nutrients in rapeseed oil is relatively high, which is very important to human health. beneficial.

3. Guidelines for the consumption of rapeseed oil

First of all, there are some precautions for oils: The first is the shelf life of oils.Whether it is rapeseed oil, olive oil or other oils, pay attention to their shelf life. Many elderly people When there is a discount in the supermarket, I will stock up several barrels of oil in case of emergency.

But it is ignored that oil also has a shelf life. When the oil is left for too long, chemical changes will occur, which will change the composition of the oil, and may produce harmful substances in severe cases. Therefore, do not consume expired oil.

Secondly, pay attention to the temperature of the oil. The temperature of the oil is very particular.The difference in oil temperature when cooking will directly affect the cooking The taste of the oil does not change when the oil is first heated, but as the temperature increases, there will be a smell of oil smoke and a thick smoke. It should be noted that when the oil is repeatedly heated and at high temperature, it will destroy the original Chemical substances are very easy to harm your health. Therefore, it is forbidden to reuse the oil after high temperature heating.

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Many people think that rapeseed oil will be bad It smells pungent, so in order not to affect the taste of food, there are also many products that remove the pungent smell of rapeseed oil. method. Firstly, soy beans can be used to deodorize.

The method is when cooking with rapeseed oil, add some soybeans when the oil is hot, and when the soybeans are scorched in the oil, add Nicely removes the flavor of canola oil. In the same way, you can also replace soybeans with ingredients such as peppercorns and fennel to reduce the taste of the oil itself.

In addition to the above methods, food can also be used to mask the taste of oil. For example, the flour, rice or steamed bread in daily life can be used to absorb the oil taste. These substances can remove the irritating smell of rapeseed oil well, and cook better without affecting the taste of the food itself.

Second, the efficacy of rapeseed oil

1. Lowering blood lipids

Rapeseed oil has many effects on the human body, ranking first That is, it can lower blood lipids and play a role in weight loss. Because rapeseed oil is easily absorbed by the human body, it has a strong effect of promoting the further decomposition of fat.

Using rapeseed oil for cooking in daily life can make the stomach better digest and absorb food, which is further beneficial to health. Seed oil can also play a role in weight loss to a certain extent.

2. softens blood vessels

Canola oil can also soften blood vessels because it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. According to medical research, it is found that this substance can be well absorbed by the stomach and intestines, and then play a role in softening blood vessels and delaying aging.

So there is a saying that rapeseed oil can anti-aging. In fact, it only has a certain delaying effect, and it will have certain benefits for the blood vessels and nerves of the human body. You can choose rapeseed oil in your life.

3. Cardiovascular benefits

The human stomach has a very high absorption rate for rapeseed oil. Can absorb the vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids in rapeseed oil well. It has a very good softening effect on the blood vessels in the body and is also beneficial to the cardiovascular system.

can promote the growth and development of the human brain. Because of the special substances in rapeseed oil, it can reduce the increase of blood lipids, which is very suitable for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It can protect the health of the body and also enjoy delicious food.

4. Other Benefits

Rapeseed oil is the most commonly used oil in life, in addition to the above advantages , It also has the magical effect of killing insects, disinfecting and reducing swelling. In medicine, rapeseed oil is often used to treat roundworms.

In addition, because rapeseed oil is easy to absorb, it is very suitable for people with bad stomach, and it can also solve the problem of intestinal obstruction caused by diet. Canola oil can be absorbed by the intestines, smoothing the walls of the intestines, allowing blocked food to pass quickly and relieving symptoms.

Third, the disadvantages of rapeseed oil

Because rapeseed oil has many benefits Therefore, it is widely sought after by many people and has become a standing oil for many people. Some people even believe that the longer you eat, the better for your body. but it is not the truth. Excessive intake or long-term intake of canola oil can be harmful to our brains.

According to the research of medical experts, rapeseed oil contains erucic acid, which is easily absorbed by the human stomach. When a person consumes too much canola oil, the appearance of amyloid plaques occurs in the body.

This substance is mainly related to the memory of the human body. When the plaque is too large, it will directly affect the memory, which may lead to the symptoms of Alzheimer’s for a long time. Therefore, experts still advise people not to consume too much canola oil for a long time.

In addition, long-term consumption of rapeseed oil will cause harm to cardiomyocytes. Overdose will cause cardiomyocytes to undergo dissimilation and even pathological changes, resulting in a series of diseases. In addition, problems such as stunted growth and decreased reproductive capacity will also occur. The erucic acid in rapeseed oil can affect human sperm and can also cause a decrease in platelets. So pay attention to the correct amount of rapeseed oil.

Fourth, the difference between rapeseed oil and other oils

1. The difference between rapeseed oil and peanut oil

The raw material of rapeseed oil is different from that of rapeseed oil. oil out. Peanut oil is also an oil that is highly respected by the people, because the yield of peanuts in my country is very high and the quality of peanuts is also very high. So the price of peanut oil will be lower relative to canola oil and other types of oils. In addition, the taste of peanut oil is very fragrant. Food cooked with peanut oil not only tastes attractive, but also has a very attractive color, so many restaurants choose peanut oil.

Peanut oil has a more mellow taste than rapeseed oil, unlike rapeseed oil, which has a more pungent taste , the cooked food is more attractive. In addition, because of the high yield of peanuts and the high oil yield, the cost is lower and the price is much cheaper than that of rapeseed oil. The internal nutritional structure of peanut oil is very stable. It is not easy to change under high temperature, and its antioxidant capacity is excellent. It can keep food from producing harmful substances during cooking.

In addition, peanut oil can be well absorbed by the stomach and intestines, promoting gastrointestinal motility and food digestion. But peanut oil also has some disadvantages compared to canola oil. For example, peanut oil has a high cholesterol content and is not suitable for people with three high levels of consumption, while rapeseed oil contains unsaturated fatty acids and has a relatively low cholesterol content, which is very suitable for patients with cardiovascular disease.

All in all, peanut oil tastes better, does not easily oxidize food, is cheap, and contains more nutrients, but less cholesterol. High, not suitable for patients with cardiovascular disease and three highs. Rapeseed oil is rich in nutrients, easily absorbed by the stomach, and rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are very suitable for cardiovascular health.

2. The difference between rapeseed oil and corn oil

Corn oil is also a healthy oil sought after by many young people Class, corn oil is obtained by pressing the germ of corn. Corn oil is lighter in color and will appear pale yellow and transparent. Different from rapeseed oil, the taste of corn oil is very fragrant. You can smell the fragrance when you open the lid of the oil bottle, which is obviously different from the pungent taste of rapeseed oil. Therefore, corn oil can be used for cold food directly without heating.

But it should be noted that although corn has many benefits and contains high nutrients, it is easy to be absorbed by the human body. There are many different types of corn oil, and many genetically modified corn oils are mixed in. These genetically modified corn oils are very harmful to the human body. Unlike normal corn oil, long-term consumption will have adverse effects on the body.

3. Difference between rapeseed oil and sunflower oil< /p>

Sunflower oil is an oil obtained by pressing sunflower seeds. Sunflower oil is bright in color and has a light fragrance. Canola oil is darker in color and more pungent than sunflower oil. Sunflower oil is rich in vitamins, linoleic acid.

It can reduce the cholesterol level in the blood of the body, suitable for people with high cholesterol or with three highs, and can also prevent blood vessels The role of sclerosis and prevention of coronary heart disease.

Rapeseed oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, relieves intestinal obstruction, increases gastrointestinal absorption of nutrients, and has good oxidation Blood vessels are more conducive to the health of small blood vessels. It can also reduce the oxidation and dissimilation of cells to a certain extent, and play a miraculous role in slowing down the aging of the human body. It is also very suitable for people with high cholesterol.


Oil is everywhere in life , Every meal is inseparable from the processing of oil. Choosing the right oil can not only make the meal more delicious, but also promote the absorption of nutrients by the body, which is more conducive to health.

There are many different types of oils on the market today, including: canola oil, corn oil, olive oil, sunflower oil Seed oil and soybean oil etc. According to different raw materials, different types of oils can be divided, and different types of oils have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The common rapeseed oil in our lives has many advantages:First of all, rapeseed oil is rich in Rich in unsaturated fatty acids, the cholesterol content is still very low, which is very suitable for people with high blood pressure and high cholesterol to eat without worrying about the accumulation of fat.

Secondly, the human stomach can absorb the nutrients in rapeseed oil very well, which is more conducive to the supplementation of human substances. It can also promote gastrointestinal motility and solve the problem of intestinal obstruction.

In medicine, doctors also use rapeseed oil to remove roundworms in the stomach. At the same time, rapeseed oil has high yield and high oil yield, which are the advantages of rapeseed oil. Finally, rapeseed oil can slow down the aging of human cells, benefit cardiovascular cells and reduce mortality.

But everything has a certain limit. Many people think that rapeseed oil has many benefits. The more you eat and the longer you eat, the better for your health. Therefore, you will choose rapeseed oil for a long time, but the fact is that it’s not true.

According to expert research, it is found that long-term use of rapeseed oil is likely to cause plaques in the brain and further lead to Alzheimer’s disease, so experts recommend taking Consume in moderation, and do not take canola oil long-term.