Radish and preserved meat are a “perfect match”, the preserved meat needs to be cooked for about 10-15 minutes first

Spring is the beginning of the year. There are obvious changes in temperature in life. The changes in climate have led to changes in the diet of many people. It is necessary to eat according to the solar terms and eat more green foods. Fruits and fresh vegetables, but also pay attention to a balanced diet. You can’t eat meat and fish every day. After checking the inventory, I found that there are a lot of preserved meats at home.

bacon has strong antiseptic ability

bacon Processed products made by marinating and then roasting, bacon has strong antiseptic ability, can prolong the storage time, and add a unique flavor. Hunan people love to eat bacon. Bacon is fat and thin, but It’s not greasy at all. It is usually fried or steamed. If you like to go to Hunan restaurant, you will know how popular the preserved meat is. The salty and fragrant appetizers are super delicious. The deliciousness brought to you today is not fried. It came out, but stewed out of life, the method is very simple.

Put some daikon in the meat dish

Radish has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, strengthening stomach and digestion, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, smoothing qi and facilitating constipation, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, nourishing the middle and relieving internal organs, etc. Some white radishes are also more greasy. In fact, I often cook this dish, and there is a selfishness, that is to use high-fiber and low-calorie radishes to stew the preserved meat, which is refreshing and relieving. If you want to get rid of greasy afterwards, then try this method in life.

Simple stew

The dried duck legs return to the spleen, stomach, lung, and kidney. Nourishes blood and promotes water, nourishes the stomach and promotes body fluid, dehumidifies and detoxifies, relieves cough and frights, eliminates snails and stagnation, clears heat and strengthens spleen, weak and edema, treats physical weakness, physical weakness after illness, malnutrition and edema, duck meat also has the effect of lowering cholesterol. The heart is also good. For dinner after the Spring Festival, radish and preserved meat are the perfect match in life. Simply stew a pot and serve it together with the casserole. The color is bright and clear, the soup is milky white, and the soup tastes very fresh. It is not greasy, eating vegetables and soup is refreshing, and the aftertaste is endless,

< /span>Rinse the preserved duck legs

Recipe name: [Braised preserved duck legs with radishes], preparation materials: 1000 grams of radishes , 500 grams of preserved duck legs, ginger, chives appropriate amount , Rinse the preserved duck legs, put them in the pot, cook on medium heat for 20 minutes, chop the duck legs into strips, then deal with the radishes, peel them and cut them in half, then cut them into pieces, scallions, garlic slices , Set aside the ginger slices, put a little oil on the wok and heat it up, put a few peppercorns, onion ginger and garlic and saute until fragrant, put the duck meat and stir-fry for a while, put in the soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, put in the oyster sauce and stir-fry evenly, put in the radish and stir-fry for a while, Add boiling water, cover the ingredients, simmer on medium and low heat for 20 minutes, until the radish is transparent, add the chicken essence, collect the juice on high heat, put it out of the pot and put it on a plate, sprinkle with chopped chives.

Choose radishes in spring. It is better to choose medium-sized, heavy-weight, smooth skin and no mildew. Otherwise, it is easy to buy empty radishes with bran cores, and it is best not to buy white radishes with live sprouts on the top, as there are germinations during the preservation process. It means that the nutrient consumption is too large. After the radish is cooked, there is no sweetness at all. The cured duck leg is cooked for 20 minutes in advance, one is to remove excess salt, the other is to promote its maturity, reduce the cooking time, and mature simultaneously with the radish. It is salty, so there is no need to add salt when cooking. The radish is transparent and the juice can be collected over high heat.