Qinhuai District of Nanjing City notified the details of 2 local positive infections

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On March 15th, Nanjing City held a New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention A briefing on the prevention and control of the epidemic will be held to report the confirmed cases in Nanjing and the relevant situation of epidemic prevention and control.

Lu Jie, deputy head of Qinhuai District, Nanjing, reported that since March 14, Qinhuai District has reported 2 local positive cases.

At 0:45 on March 14, a nucleic acid test of a foreigner who came to Ningxia was found to be positive (Wang Mouguang, male, 31 years old, unemployed), and has been transferred to the public health center for diagnosis and treatment. The personnel have a wide range of activities, involving 23 scenarios, reminding the general public to take personal protection.

At 6:00 am on March 15th, in the nucleic acid test in the key area of ​​Hongwu Road Street, the third-party testing agency reported that a mixed tube (1:10) was initially screened positive. During the re-examination, Wang Moumou (male, 68 years old, retired), a resident of Shazhuxiang Community, was positive in the re-examination and has been transferred to the public health center for diagnosis and treatment.

A total of 285,391 people in 4 streets in Qinhuai District, Nanjing City have been sampled for nucleic acid testing and the results are all negative

On March 15, Nanjing held a new crown epidemic At the briefing on the prevention and control of pneumonia epidemic, Lu Jie, deputy head of Qinhuai District, Nanjing City, informed that: after the outbreak, Qinhuai District immediately launched epidemic prevention work, and quickly carried out investigation and traceability. Online and offline, as well as time and space trajectories are carried out in parallel to trace the origin of flow regulation. The trajectories of Wang Mouguang’s itinerary were investigated, involving 23 scenarios, and control measures have been implemented so far. The traceability of Wang Moumou’s flow investigation is under intense development, and the results will be announced to the public through the official platform as soon as possible.

Manage key personnel. Up to now, a total of 159 close contacts and 148 second close contacts have been investigated, and all control measures have been implemented. 98 environmental samples were collected, all of which were negative except for 4 samples from the room where the case was located. Nucleic acid testing was carried out for all residents in Hongwu Road Street, Confucius Temple Street, Chaotiangong Street, and Shuangtang Street involved in the case’s trajectory. Nucleic acid sampling has been completed for 285,391 people, and all the results have been negative.

6 schools (kindergartens) in Qinhuai District, Nanjing City suspend offline teaching activities, all schools in the district carry out nucleic acid testing for all staff

March 15, Nanjing held a briefing on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Lu Jie, deputy head of Qinhuai District, Nanjing City, announced that after the outbreak, Qinhuai District quickly implemented regional closure and control. At present, the urban joint prevention and control headquarters is studying the closure and control and the delineation of the control area based on the traceability of the flow and the research and judgment of experts, and will announce it to the public as soon as it is determined.

At present, some schools in Qinhuai District have suspended offline teaching. Starting from March 15, offline teaching activities have been suspended for 6 schools (kindergartens) near the area involved in the activity trajectory of positive cases in Qinhuai District around the closed control area. At the same time, from the afternoon of March 15, nucleic acid testing of all staff in all schools in the district has been carried out. At present, all sampling has been completed, and the surrounding areas of the campus have been thoroughly sterilized.

Since March 10, a total of 30 people were found to be positive in Jiangning District, Nanjing, and emergency response to epidemic prevention was carried out quickly

Since March 10, Nanjing A total of 30 people were found to be positive through screening in Jiangning District of the city, and all of them are under management. In response to the above-mentioned positive people, Jiangning District quickly carried out emergency response to epidemic prevention.

To carry out the traceability of flow regulation. Quickly check for personnel in close contact, sub-close contact, time-space accompaniment, and track intersection. As of 17:00 on March 15, 549 people in close contact, 1,206 people in sub-intensity connection, 847 people in close connection and 47 people in sub-intensity connection have been investigated. On March 15, there were 23 new cases of people who were initially screened positive, and the work of tracing the source of the flow is being accelerated.

Conduct nucleic acid testing. On the basis of implementing the daily inspection in the closed area and the inspection every other day in the control area, two rounds of nucleic acid tests were conducted on Dongshan Street on March 10 and 12, respectively. On March 13, nucleic acid testing continued to be carried out across the region.

Organize personnel to be transported and quarantined. In accordance with the requirements of synchronous flow adjustment, synchronous transfer and synchronous isolation, the closed-loop process of transfer and handover shall be strictly implemented. As of 17:00 on March 15, 4,523 people have been controlled. At present, 41 quarantine hotels have been requisitioned in Jiangning District.

Nanjing Jiangning District will increase the frequency of nucleic acid testing to strengthen the inspection of vehicles and personnel coming to Nanjing and persuade them to return

Nanjing Jiangning District will be under lockdown, Increase the frequency of nucleic acid testing in control areas and isolation points to further find out the bottom line, manage and control risks, and cut off the chain of transmission. It is planned to carry out the third round of nucleic acid testing in Dongshan Street on March 16, and according to the situation of the epidemic, a new round of nucleic acid testing in the whole district will be launched in time.

Jiangning District will adjust the scope of the closure and control areas in a timely manner, and do a good job in traffic control at 12 “Laining Inspection Service Points”, and strengthen the inspection and persuasion of vehicles and personnel in Laining.

(Reporter Jing Ming Yang Ying Wu Rui Xu Jingwei Wang Haonan)