Qingxu County, Taiyuan City: The inner words of a confirmed new crown patient

The government accelerates to help solve the difficulties in mass isolation points

“I would like to thank a Mr. Zhang from the Xigu Township Government where my hukou is located. Although he refused to tell me his name, I knew he must be a Communist Party member.” Ms. Hu clapped her hands together with tears in her eyes.

Ms. Hu is a sorter of Qingxu Yunda Logistics Company. Two days ago, she and her mother were both diagnosed as positive patients and hospitalized. The old father and two children at home were sent to Taiyuan Kindergarten School for centralized isolation. Due to the rush to leave home, the father and the children did not bring enough daily necessities. After going to the isolation point, facing the unaccustomed to eating and accommodation, as well as the lack of daily necessities, the children became unwell and in a bad mood. The father burst into tears.

Families meet each other and miss each other, but it is hard to see them. In desperation, Ms. Hu had to post her family’s current situation to Weibo and Qingxu Rongmedia backstage to ask for help. Soon, a man who claimed to be surnamed Zhang contacted her and asked her family’s demands in detail. Mr. Zhang said that he would help their family solve their difficulties as soon as possible.

On the second day, Ms. Hu’s child sent photos of masks, bottled drinking water, hot water bottles, thick quilts, etc. , and medicine for my father’s toothache. The children said that these were sent to them by people they did not know, and said that they now live comfortably, eat deliciously, and feel much better.

“This is the heavy care from the Party and the government. Our family of five must fully cooperate with epidemic prevention, treatment, and isolation. As long as Together, we will be able to overcome the epidemic. Come on, Qingxu! Come on, old vinegar!” That night, Ms. Hu wrote emotionally on Weibo.

Source: Qingxu Rong Media