Qingxu County, Taiyuan City: The “epidemic” is inescapable, the “epidemic” has no turning back, and the most beautiful sticks to the mission

The epidemic is like a mountain, and Shitang is Hongyi. In the face of the current severe and complicated epidemic prevention and control situation, there are such a group of people who, at the critical moment when the whole people “retreat”, acted upon orders and immediately entered a wartime state. Front-line, front-line service, optimistic about the villages of Baolian, manage key people, report screening data, and build the tightest line of defense. At this moment, all cadres in Jiyi Township, Qingxu County, Taiyuan City are still fighting at the forefront of epidemic prevention and control…

< span>Nucleic acid sample transporters in a race against time: one minute earlier, one less danger

Fill in the form for handover, scan the code for transfer, and load and depart. The delivery of nucleic acid testing samples seems simple, but it is the last part of the testing work. It condenses all the efforts of the masses, medical care and epidemic prevention staff. An Xiangyang, the head of the service station for veterans, undertakes such a task. “It’s a lie to say I’m not afraid. When I first started the transfer, I was afraid that I would be infected, but seeing the front-line staff working hard, the fear of hardship gradually faded…” He admitted frankly. Wearing white protective clothing, he shuttled through various centralized sampling points, and then transferred batches of nucleic acid samples… In his hands, a total of 18,931 samples were transferred. All the work was completed at 3:00 in the morning. After nearly 10 hours of rushing around, An Xiangyang’s legs felt as if they were filled with lead, his clothes were all soaked, and his hands were covered with white… But he didn’t complain. But showed a knowing smile.

Since the epidemic, all people have been working together, and everyone is gritting their teeth and persevering, encouraging and supporting each other. As a township cadre, we must be stronger and united, and bring more confidence and security to the people.

Soft shoulders: Mom, when will you be home?

“Mom, how many days have you been out, when will you be home?” “Mom is executing The mission, in order to allow more people to go home, I can’t go home now, and I have to be obedient at home.” This is the dialogue between the township cadre Bao Xin and her 11-year-old son during a video call. Before he finished speaking, another phone call came in.

As she has many years of experience in health care, she knows that big data investigation is one of the most timely and effective means of epidemic prevention and control. It is necessary to race against time, carry out investigation work as soon as possible, and effectively cut off the chain of transmission of the epidemic. “Hello, please report your specific information, the approximate time you will return to your hometown, and the area you will pass through.” “Please don’t worry, today there will be medical staff in the health center to collect nucleic acid for you, please be patient.” This is violence The epitome of Xin’s daily work. At 2 a.m., the office was still busy. She was still paying attention to the adjustment of higher-level epidemic prevention and control measures, the adjustment of medium and high-risk areas, the reporting of returnees from each village, and the antigen testing of each village. Baoxin said: “The epidemic is an order. If the epidemic is not eliminated, we will not relax. We must always stick to our posts, fight the epidemic with the general public, and protect the safety of one party.”

In the face of the epidemic, women do not give up men, shoulder heavy responsibilities, do every job conscientiously, fight in every corner of the epidemic prevention and control, hold up half the sky to fight the “epidemic”, and use practical actions Practice the original mission.

High-level talents shine in the “epidemic” line: data pioneers play a big role

“A person, a pair of legs, shuttles through the building; a bag, a pen, a notebook, record By reporting data, we have secured the ‘small pockets’ of epidemic prevention and control.”

“Hanhan, you are responsible for drawing tables, Connect with the person in charge of the village. Yaya, you will be responsible for the final data summary and reporting, and the rest will go to count the materials together…” It can be seen in a few simple sentences that they have a clear division of labor, and 8 people have to complete the entire township 17 every day. Personnel surveying, antigen testing data reporting, and distribution of epidemic prevention materials in each administrative village. With so many people and time constraints, how to conduct uninterrupted investigations, update and summarize data faster and more accurately? This is the first task before their eyes. In the face of many difficulties, they did not shrink back, did not delay, and did not wait. They simplified the filling process in the complicated project settings, and at the same time did not miss a single point. The reporting efficiency of each village has been greatly improved… After a few days, they An accurate and efficient “data vanguard” was formed to give a boost to the township’s epidemic prevention work.

This group of high-level talents introduced at the end of 2020 interprets the “screw” spirit of young people with practical actions. The most common words they say It’s just “no problem, it’s over.”

Before the epidemic exam

< p data-track="28">They are just a point of view for workers fighting the “epidemic”Drop Shimmer

but the original mission is written on the front line of anti-epidemic p>

Take responsibility as an integrated job responsibility

< span>It is with their strong protection

We believe that the epidemic will eventually disperse span>

Victory is coming!

Source: Qingxu Group Workers