Qingxu County, Taiyuan City: All people fight the epidemic and protect Qingxu

Lianglong villagers donated money and materials spontaneously

“3000 yuan, 2000 yuan, 1000 yuan, 500 yuan, 300 yuan, 200 yuan, 20 boxes of instant noodles, 5 boxes of mineral water, color steel plates for fences…”, Jiyi, Qingxu County, Taiyuan City Xu Fei, secretary of the Party branch of Xianglianglong Village, turned on her mobile phone and was deeply moved by the list of more than 50 villagers who had voluntarily donated money and goods. The list includes the villagers of Lianglong Village, active duty soldiers, veterans, college students, and Lianglong girls who are married away… No matter where they are, they all care about the epidemic prevention and control work in their hometown and hope to do their bit. We will help our hometown to win this war without gunpowder smoke as soon as possible.

Since a villager working in Yunda Logistics in Lianglong Village was diagnosed with a positive case on April 14, the two village committees have asked all villagers to isolate at home and stay at home. households, and actively cooperate with medical staff to come to the door for testing. Xu Fei said: “We are the guardians of the village. We must protect the villagers and block the spread of the epidemic.”

Xu Fei He is a post-90s generation who works vigorously and resolutely. After the outbreak of the epidemic, he immediately led the two committees into a fighting state, and the party members also devoted themselves to the front line of epidemic prevention and control. Gao flutters, and uses practical actions to contribute to winning the battle against epidemic prevention and control, showing the demeanor of rural grassroots party members and cadres in the new era.

Xu Fei said: “Epidemic prevention and control lies in group prevention and control. We conduct epidemic prevention propaganda through loudspeakers and Lianglong convenience service groups every day. During this period, we also received strong support from all the villagers, and their support is an indispensable strong guarantee for us.”

Village Wang Wenjie said, see We were moved by the fact that the village cadres and volunteers were guarding the health and safety of the villagers day and night. There was nothing we could do, so we donated some materials to support the epidemic prevention and control work.

Village Pang Yanjun understands electric welding technology. In order to cooperate with the two village committees to do the fence work, he took the initiative to ask Ying to volunteer for electric welding in places where fences are needed. Also eager to donate. He said, we will do this, we can do whatever we can, and everyone is a family. The simple words are full of deep affection for the hometown.

On April 14th, some villagers initiated donations in the WeChat group, and the response was overwhelming. The trickles converged into a torrent of love, which also expressed the confidence and determination of all the villagers to fight the epidemic together. As of the afternoon of the 16th, donations have reached 36,900 yuan. Xu Fei said that as a village cadre, she was very moved. Regarding the donations and materials donated by villagers, the two village committees decided to send special personnel to manage them and use them openly and effectively. Everyone’s love has converged into strength. I believe that through our joint efforts, we will definitely win this war without gunpowder smoke.

Source: Qingxu Rong Media