Qinglong in the sky, Xingyun and water control: About “Xiaoqinglong Soup”

Introduction: Xiaoqinglong Soup The famous prescription can dissolve the exterior and dispel cold, warm the lungs and transform the drink, disperse the coldness of the lungs, distribute the water and qi, move the water and sweat, release the exterior of the sun outside, and disperse the cold drink of the three burners inside. But why is it named “Little Green Dragon”? There is also a deep meaning behind it. The author of this article interprets it as follows.

Xiaoqinglong Tang from Treatise on Febrile Diseases Indications of external cold and internal drinking syndrome. The square name has two meanings. First, it reflects a way of thinking that TCM understands the physiological and pathological phenomena of the human body by taking images and comparing them to classes;

◎ Picture from: InternetDragon is an animal in Chinese mythology . “Guanzi” says: “Jiaolong, the god of water, is also the god of water. If you ride in water, you will stand up, but if you lose water, you will be dead.” As the head of the water family, the dragon has a very close relationship with water. In folklore, the dragon is regarded as the god who manages rain and water. It can be hidden, powerful, and unpredictable. The green dragon is one of the “four images” in traditional Chinese culture. The four elephants include Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. Qinglong is what the ancients called the oriental wood god, the master of all things, able to radiate, and to control water. The pathogenesis of Xiaoqinglong Decoction syndrome lies in exogenous wind-cold and internal water stop drinking, so the important function of Xiaoqinglong Decoction is to treat water in the body, so it is named after Qinglong. When a dragon enters the river and sea, it will surely turn over the waves. Analogy to the disease syndrome, the patient coughs, expects phlegm, and wheezes when he encounters cold, indicating that there is cold on the surface of the body and there is water in the body to drink. Xiaoqinglong Decoction is used. It can disperse the external evil, and at the same time make the water in the body warm. As Xu Hong, a physician in the Ming Dynasty, said in the “Golden Mirror Neitai Fangyi”: “It is called a small green dragon because it can send out more wind and cold, distribute water and gas, and go beyond the space between heaven and earth.” The green dragon is in the sky, and the clouds are used to control the water. Daqinglong soup, which is as famous as Xiaoqinglong soup, although it does not focus on drinking, it has a strong perspiration effect and can expel water through sweating, so it is also classified as “Qinglong” . Zhang Bingcheng, a physician in the Qing Dynasty, commented on Da and Xiaoqinglong Soup in “Cheng Jianyi” : “Those who are called Xiaoqinglong take the dragon as the water, and the big ones can make clouds. Cause rain, soar between the universe; small things can also control water and exorcise evil, and hide in the inner ear of waves.”

Han · Zhang Zhongjing’s “Treatise on Febrile Diseases”: Xiaoqinglong Decoction

Recipe composition:Ephedra 3 liang, to remove the knot (9 grams); 3 liang of peony (9 grams); 3 liang of Asarum (3 grams); 3 liang of dried ginger (6 grams); 3 liang of licorice, fried (6 grams); cassia twig peeled (6 grams); Schisandra half liter (6 grams); Pinellia half liter, washed (9 grams). Usage and Dosage: Shang Bawei, take a bucket of water, cook ephedra first, reduce by 2 liters, remove the foam, add all the medicines, boil Take three liters, remove the sediment, and take one liter warm. Modern usage: decoct in water and take warm. Efficacy: Relieves the exterior and dispels cold, warms the lungs and transforms into a drink. Indications: External cold and internal drink syndrome. Aversion to cold and fever, no sweating, head and body pain, cough and asthma, excessive phlegm, inability to lie down with cough and asthma, or retching, or swelling of the head, face and limbs, white and slippery tongue coating, and floating pulse. I Copyright NoticeThis article is from “China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 8th Edition”, author / Sturgeon Xiuyuan , the copyright belongs to the right holder. END