Qingdao adds local “34+63”

On March 10, the Qingdao Municipal Health and Health Commission notified that from 0:00 to 12:00 on March 10, 34 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia were reported in Qingdao, of which 30 were reported in Laixi (referred to as cases 273-302). , all of which were mild), 1 case was reported in Shinan District (referred to as case 303, which was a case related to the Laixi epidemic, mild), and 1 case was reported in Shibei District (referred to as case 304, which was a case related to the Laixi epidemic, mild), Huangdao 2 cases (both mild) were reported in the district; 63 new asymptomatic infections were reported, including 62 cases in Laixi City and 1 case in Shinan District (a case related to the Laixi epidemic). They are currently being treated in isolation in designated hospitals.

Sichuan Watch (Source: CCTV News Client)