[Qingchi Power] Distressed, salute! Thank you, secretary, great job!

At 10:20 a.m. on March 20, in the outpatient building of the High-tech Zone People’s Hospital, a heart-wrenching scene occurred. During the process of delivering nucleic acid test samples, Xie Zhendong, secretary of the Party Committee of Zongjing Community, suddenly turned dark. , fainted in the building. Residents who visited the hospital quickly called the medical staff. A few minutes later, Xie Zhendong, who was lying on the ground, regained consciousness slightly. The doctor diagnosed as paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. Doctors recommend to pay attention to rest, to avoid staying up late, to avoid fatigue and major mood swings.

“I’ll just rest and go back to the community immediately, you don’t need to come pick me up, the community needs you!” Xie Zhendong in the hospital, after recovering his spirits, the first call was to arrange work.

At the end of last year, Xie Zhendong was officially appointed Secretary of the Party Committee of Banjing Community. Before the spread of the epidemic, he had been busy with various urgent and dangerous affairs in the community, dealing with various conflicts and disputes, and his nerves had been tense. After the epidemic situation was severe and complicated, he immediately turned on the “super long standby” state.

Baijing Community has 4 shantytowns and 8 social development communities, with a population of more than 7,000. The work of epidemic prevention and control is very heavy. Since March 11, after receiving the notification from his superiors about epidemic prevention and control, Xie Zhendong rushed to the front line of epidemic prevention and control for the first time, and was responsible for the scheduling and coordination of epidemic prevention work in the entire community. Under the organization and coordination of Xie Zhendong, the community, joint-stock economic cooperatives, community property and other personnel have all joined the ranks of epidemic prevention and control, becoming the backbone of national nucleic acid testing, community epidemic prevention and control, and foreign personnel control.

“Secretary Xie, when will the nucleic acid test in our community start?” “Secretary Xie, our community is under control. So how do I go to work here?” “Secretary Xie, there is a person in our community who has been out of town and needs home isolation and health monitoring!”…

Residents’ nucleic acid tests, The residents of the community have questions about going out, the checkpoint of the community is on duty, etc. These things happen every day. Xie Zhendong’s phone calls and WeChat group news never stopped, and he has been busy on the road. He drives an electric four-wheeled vehicle and travels between 12 communities every day to check the community’s epidemic prevention and control work. He runs five or six times a day, and even though the 12 communities are next to each other, the average electric car still runs more than 100 kilometers per day.

In each round of nucleic acid testing, Xie Zhendong, who is the “family member” of the community, not only organizes various joint-stock economic cooperatives The staff and the property staff of each community mobilized the residents to actively participate in the inspection, and also deployed the limited work force of the community, and standardized the residents on the spot to cooperate with the scan code registration to maintain the order of the scene. Regardless of any link, he did not dare to be sloppy.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Xie Zhendong resolutely chose the latter. He eats and lives in the community continuously, and sticks to his job 24 hours a day. Sometimes he is woken up by the epidemic prevention and control information at 4:30 in the morning, and he can only finish work at 12:00 in the middle of the night, and he has been working in this way. When he was hungry, he would simply deal with the community staff at the Party and Mass Service Center; when he was tired, he would take a short rest in the cot prepared in the office. It fully demonstrates the political nature of the Communist Party members to keep their original aspirations and fulfill their mission. They put their love for home and concern for their relatives in their hearts, and use their own bodies to support a safe sky for the residents.

The fortress is silent, but it gathers an overwhelming and invincible power; barrier. The flag is silent, but it has a powerful effect of setting an example and taking the lead. It has been tested and shown responsibility at critical moments time and time again. “He has a strong sense of responsibility. He always keeps the difficult and tedious work for himself. He asks us to go back to rest early, but he stays in the office to work overtime until late. Since the outbreak, he has been eating and living in the community. Just made do with the small bed in the office, woke up the next day and continued to devote himself to the ‘war against the epidemic’. Seeing him fighting so hard, everyone was encouraged and felt that they should work harder.” said Yan Liping, a community worker.

Less than 5 hours of rest a day, the huge workload keeps his body in a state of “overload” . “He worked too hard. A few days ago, we saw that his face was not very good, and we advised him to rest at home. He was afraid of delaying work, but he insisted on coming.” Wang Lufang, deputy secretary of the community party committee, said.

“I’m actually just an ordinary member of the many grassroots workers who have worked silently. Fortunately, my family supports me very much. Xie Zhendong said, “In the work of epidemic prevention and control, party members and cadres must play a pioneering and exemplary role. We hope that through our efforts, we will go all out to do a good job in epidemic prevention and maintain the normal life and work order of residents. “