Pustules and pimples often grow on the scalp, what’s the matter? Reminder: 3 diseases to consider

A physiological activity that can not last longer when brushing hair, hair, as part of human hair, does not contain pain nerves, so people in There is no pain when combing or cutting hair. Chinese medicine believes that: the kidneys govern hair, and the kidneys are healthy, and the hair of future generations will grow thicker and softer. ############################################################### The reason is that you need to stay up late for a long time, often staying up late will affect the self-cleaning and detoxification functions of internal organs, and will also increase the burden and pressure on the tissue, make the local blood flow not smooth, inhibit the growth of hair follicles and accelerate the loss of hair.

In most cases, human hair will be fluffy and soft, with a certain elasticity. About 100,000 hairs grow fast. Both men and women have the habit of combing their hair. When many people comb their hair, they will find that many pustules and small bumps grow on their scalp, which are painful and itchy to the touch. Pustules and pustules on the scalp What the heck is a pimple?


Pustules and pimples often grow on the scalp, what’s the matter? Reminder: 3 diseases to be considered

1. Folliculitis< /p>

Folliculitis is an inflammatory reaction that occurs in the hair follicles of the scalp. It can be divided into infectious and non-infectious folliculitis. Both hair and body hair grow from the mouth of the hair follicle. Folliculitis occurs, which can cause more red papules to grow on the skin surface.

Infectious folliculitis can be caused by bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. Non-infectious folliculitis is uncommon and is mostly caused by drug allergies.

When folliculitis occurs on the scalp, many pustules and pimples will grow on the surface of the scalp, affecting the health and increasing the psychological pressure of the patient. Significant itching.

2. Psoriasis

Psoriasis, also known as psoriasis, is a skin disease that is stimulated by environmental factors, controlled by polygenic genetics, and caused by immune mediation. The typical symptoms are scaly erythema or plaques, which are widespread in the body.

After the occurrence of psoriasis, the local skin will grow red patches, the hair will have thick scales, and the skin will itch with obvious burning sensation , In severe cases, it may even invade the tissues and joints, resulting in joint redness and swelling, affecting daily life and walking.

After pancreatic disease occurs on the scalp, many small bumps and pustules will grow on the surface of the scalp, which will increase the itching and affect the health of the scalp.

3. Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory scaly disease that occurs on the hair and face. The disease often occurs in the more developed sebaceous glands. Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease. After the onset, there will be obvious itching. Red spots and dullness develop locally, and over time, hard crusts and a scaly layer of sebum develop on the surface of the spots, which look very greasy.

After seborrheic dermatitis occurs on the head, more erythema and small papules will grow on the surface of the scalp. It will accelerate the problem of hair loss, and the hair will fall off piece by piece, which will seriously affect the appearance and increase people’s psychological pressure.

The occurrence of seborrheic dermatitis is related to inattentive cleaning and hygiene, excessive secretion of scalp oil, and failure to wash hair in time will induce seborrheic dermatitis dermatitis.


How to improve scalp pustules and pimples The problem?

If you have many small pustules and pimples on your scalp, the most correct way is to ask a professional doctor for help, you can use Chinese herbal medicine or other, The shampoo with cleaning and antibacterial effect can wash the hair in time, keep the scalp dry, and reduce the residue of bacteria and fungi.

In daily life, you must avoid squeezing the small pustules and pimples on your head directly with your hands. There are many bacteria and toxins left on the hands that are invisible to the naked eye. Directly squeezing small pustules with hands can easily induce infection and increase the occurrence of folliculitis.

If the small pustules on the head are really itchy, you can gently rub the scalp with a wooden comb to relieve the itching and apply medicine in time.

The reason for the growth of scalp pustules and pimples is related to excessive oil secretion. Adjust the diet in time, reduce oil, salt and sugar, and eat vitamins and dietary fiber. , foods with more protein, a light diet, quit smoking and limit alcohol, and drink less irritating drinks, can effectively relieve scalp problems such as pimples and pustules.


Extended Extension — 9 Tips for Properly Washing Your Hair!

1. Do not apply conditioner to the scalp

< p data-track="28">The effect of conditioner is different from that of shampoo. It is mainly aimed at the hair. When applying conditioner, it is best to apply it to the roots of the hair, not to the scalp to avoid clogging pores. , to accelerate hair loss.

2. The water temperature is controlled at 38~40℃

The water temperature when shampooing needs to be controlled at 38~40℃. This temperature belongs to the extreme high temperature of the human body surface and gives a strong sense of comfort. Frequent shampooing with cold water will stimulate the scalp and accelerate hair loss. Washing your hair with too hot water will damage the hair follicles and induce folliculitis. Be sure to control the water temperature in advance before washing your hair.

3. Lather before touching the scalp

When washing your hair, you can apply an appropriate amount of shampoo to the palm of your hand, rub it repeatedly to foam, and then apply it to the surface of the scalp, which can reduce the damage of chemical residues to the scalp.

4. Rinse clean

After applying shampoo and conditioner to your hair, be sure to rinse your hair with clean water in time to avoid detergent residue.

5. Massage the scalp with fingertips

When shampooing and massaging the scalp, try to use the pulp of your fingers instead of your fingertips to avoid damaging the hair follicles.

6. Massage while washing

When washing your hair, you can massage while washing. There are many acupuncture points on the head. Frequently massaging the scalp can promote the blood circulation of the head, which is a symptom of headache and dizziness.

7. Dry hair in time after washing

After shampooing, be sure to use a hair dryer to dry your hair in time, do not wet your hair, and rest directly, otherwise the cold and moisture will accumulate too much and affect your health.

8. Don’t leave the conditioner for more than 5 minutes

It is best not to use the conditioner to rub the hair for more than 5 minutes. The longer the conditioner stays, the better. Applying the conditioner for a long time will also damage the hair and damage the stratum corneum of the scalp. , to accelerate the problem of hair loss.

9. Wipe 70% dry with a towel after washing your hair.

Do not blow your hair with a hairdryer immediately after washing. Direct contact with high temperature, wet hair will damage the hair, you can first wipe the hair with a dry towel until it is 70% dry without dripping, and then blow it with a hairdryer.