Pulmonary embolism caused by “sitting” in front of the old man’s card table, doctor: avoid sitting for a long time

Changjiang Daily, Wuhan Client, July 27th Sitting at the poker table for a whole day, Mr. Yang has been suffering from chest tightness and shortness of breath recently. He went to the hospital for an examination and found that there was a large area in his lungs. Thrombosis, after thrombolytic therapy, the old man has recovered and been discharged from the hospital. “Sedentary time is the most likely to cause fatal pulmonary embolism.” On the 27th, the director of cardiovascular medicine of Wuhan Hankou Hospital reminded the group director that the easiest way to prevent pulmonary embolism is to move, and you should get up and move after sitting for an hour 10— 15 minutes, especially when the weather is hot recently, pay attention to drinking more water to prevent blood coagulation.

70-year-old Yang is a mahjong fan and invites his neighbors to play cards almost every day. In the past week, he suddenly had chest tightness, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing, especially after playing cards for a long time. His family accompanied him to Wuhan Hankou Hospital for treatment. Under the doctor’s advice, he underwent a pulmonary artery CTA examination. The results showed that there was a large area of ​​pulmonary thrombosis. If not treated in time, it will become extremely difficult to breathe like a drowning person, and it will be life-threatening at any time. The doctor immediately admitted Mr. Yang to the hospital for thrombolytic therapy. After thrombolysis and symptomatic treatment, the old man’s chest tightness and shortness of breath improved significantly, and his condition was controlled.

Director Lan Weiqun is examining the cause of chest tightness for Uncle Yang.

“I’m so good, how could I get pulmonary embolism?” Uncle Yang was puzzled. Lan Weiqun, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Hankou Hospital, explained that most emboli that block the pulmonary artery originate from venous thrombosis of the lower extremity. Endothelial injury and blood hypercoagulability are common in trauma, fracture, immobilization, tumor and other patients.

Uncle Yang can basically rule out primary risk factors, and there has been no fracture or trauma recently. The only thing that can be found is that the old man has the habit of playing mahjong every day. He often sits in front of the poker table. Not moving for several hours. Lan Weiqun told Uncle Yang that it was because he played mahjong for a long time, sedentary, and blood stasis, which led to the formation of venous thrombosis in the lower extremities, and the emboli entered the pulmonary artery along the blood, leading to the occurrence of pulmonary embolism.

Lan Weiqun reminded the public to develop good living habits in daily life, especially those with high risk of venous thrombosis, such as advanced age, pregnant women, and patients with tumors, varicose veins, and postoperative immobilization. People should pay attention to drinking more water, quit smoking and drinking less alcohol, eat a reasonable diet, and try to avoid sedentary life. In the event of unexplained chest tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, coughing, chest pain, lower extremity edema and other symptoms, you must go to the hospital in time. (Reporter Liu Xuan of Changjiang Daily, Correspondent Qi Qiuhuan, Wen Yuan, Liu Fanglin)

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Changjiang Daily – Changjiang Net]