Provincial Health and Health Commission: Build a solid medical and health care pattern | Guangdong in the past five years

On March 25, at the Guangdong High-level Construction Hospital and the Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University, Tan Wanlong, director of the Department of Urology of the hospital, led a team to complete a 51-year-old bladder cancer patient. Da Vinci robot-assisted total laparoscopic bladder cancer radical resection, lymph node dissection and ileal neobladder in situ, the patient’s blood loss is less than 100 ml.

In recent years, Guangdong has fully implemented the development strategy of “building a healthy Guangdong and building a strong health province”, accelerated the construction of a “top-of-the-world” medical and health care system, and steadily improved the health of the people. The average life expectancy in Guangdong increased from 77.2 years in 2017 to 78.4 years, and the maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate decreased from 11.03/100,000 and 2.53‰ in 2017 to 9.98/100,000 and 2.13‰, respectively. The main health indicators of residents It has basically reached the level of moderately developed countries.

Improving the overall strength of healthcare services

On September 25, 2021, the Guangzhou Laboratory and the clinical base of the National Respiratory Medicine Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University were officially completed. Zhong Nanshan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the Guangzhou Laboratory, said that the clinical base will do a good job in clinical diagnosis and treatment, scientific research The whole chain of key research, product research and development, achievement transformation, and talent training will gather and attract more high-level projects and talents.

In recent years, Guangdong has insisted on strengthening the grass-roots level, building high ground, and climbing the peak, focusing on consolidating the grass-roots level and giving full play to its advantages. The overall strength has been comprehensively improved.

In the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, the world’s first “ischemia-free” heart transplant patient recovered well after surgery. Photo by Nanfang Daily reporter Zhang Ziwang

72-year-old Chen Bo, a villager from Dutou Village, Shapa Town, Yangxi County, Yangjiang City, was cured of stomach bleeding at the Shapa Town Health Center. “The environment of the hospital has improved, and the level of doctors has also improved. I can take care of the disease at the doorstep of my house.” Capacity building is a breakthrough, and the establishment of a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system will be accelerated to promote equal access to basic medical and health services. Since 2017, Guangdong has comprehensively implemented 18 projects in seven categories of grassroots capacity improvement projects, upgraded and built 47 central health centers to the level of county-level hospitals, upgraded and built 189 county-level hospitals, standardized 488 township health centers, and standardized construction 1 Wanjian Village Health Station has been fully completed, and innovative policies such as talent team building and salary system reform have been implemented.

Building a highland is to build a national medical center and a national regional medical center, and take the implementation of the “Peak Plan” for the construction of high-level hospitals as the traction to improve the overall medical and health services in Guangdong Province. strength. Guangdong supports the construction of 50 high-level hospitals, five international medical centers for respiratory, kidney disease, oncology, precision medicine, and cardiovascular disease, and achieves full coverage of high-level hospitals in 21 prefecture-level cities. Eight national medical centers and regional medical centers signed a contract with the provincial government, and the National Respiratory Medicine Center and the National Children’s Regional Medical Center were officially approved.

Guangdong also implemented high-level hospital cross-regional linkage “one-to-one” intensive assistance, and started the construction of 5 provincial-level regional medical centers. Since 2017, the number of urban medical groups in Guangdong has expanded from more than 290 to 623, and the number of compact county-level medical communities has expanded from 1 county-level pilot in 15 prefectures and cities to 104.

All-round and full-cycle maintenance of people’s health

Guangdong insists on prevention first and combination of prevention and treatment , and strive to protect people’s health in an all-round and full-cycle manner. At present, Guangdong Province has fully implemented a comprehensive prevention and control project for birth defects, and established a comprehensive prevention and control service system covering urban and rural areas, including pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and neonatal stages.

Guangdong has also implemented 18 special actions for healthy Guangdong, promoting “treatment-centered” to “people’s health” center” shift. At the same time, major epidemic monitoring and early warning, risk assessment, epidemic investigation, inspection and testing, and emergency response mechanisms have been continuously improved, and the “one old and one small”, women and children, acute and chronic diseases, and occupational health service systems have become more complete.

In terms of the development of traditional Chinese medicine, the national comprehensive reform demonstration area of ​​traditional Chinese medicine and the first national key laboratory of traditional Chinese medicine have successfully settled in Guangdong. The regulations on traditional Chinese medicine in Guangdong Province were officially implemented, the provincial traditional Chinese medicine inheritance, innovation and development actions were fully launched, and the traditional Chinese medicine management agencies achieved full coverage of prefecture-level cities.

Guangdong, as a demonstration province of “Internet + Medical Health” jointly built by the provincial government, vigorously promotes the construction of informatization. 251 hospitals in the province have built Internet hospitals, and 4,504 hospitals have used the provincial remote The medical platform provides telemedicine services for the masses, and the application of electronic health codes covers 100% of the province’s third-level public hospitals and more than 90% of the second-level public hospitals. Based on solid work and continuous innovation, Guangdong has exchanged experience at the National Health Conference for 5 consecutive years, and has been commended by the State Council for 4 consecutive years to encourage “the comprehensive reform of public hospitals has achieved remarkable results”.

Beautiful Blueprint

Make every effort to create a model province for health and high-quality development

In recent years, Guangdong’s health work has achieved outstanding “transcripts”. Next, in what areas will Guangdong continue to make efforts? Zhu Hong, director of the Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Committee, introduced that Guangdong will firmly grasp the theme of high-quality development, strive to be at the forefront and demonstrate in the “ten aspects”, and strive to create health and wellness High-quality demonstration province.

The first is to build a strong medical and health system. Guangdong strives to build 10 international medical centers, 20 national-level medical technology and clinical medical research centers, and 19 national-level regional TCM (specialty) clinics.It has established 95 national-level key specialties and a batch of provincial-level key specialties. Guangdong will continue to deepen the reform of the medical and health system, implement cross-regional linkage assistance projects for high-level hospitals, and deploy the new three-year action of “strengthening the grassroots” to promote the sinking of high-quality medical resources.

The second is to build a stronger public health system. Guangdong will build a number of high-level disease control centers, build provincial-level public health medical centers, create national-level regional medical centers for infectious diseases, and improve the “combination of peace and war” rapid conversion mechanism for emergency treatment.

The third is to build a digital and intelligent health highland. Guangdong will build at least 10 national-level key clinical medical data demonstration centers and specialized disease databases, and accelerate the establishment of a national “Internet + medical and health” demonstration province.

The fourth is to build a medical science and technology innovation highland with global influence. Guangdong will expand and strengthen the Provincial Academy of Medical Sciences, the Provincial Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and build a strong provincial international medical center and research hospital.

The fifth is to build a high-level talent highland in the Greater Bay Area. Guangdong will implement the “Pearl River Talent Plan” and “Guangdong Special Support Plan” in the field of health and health, the project of strengthening the foundation of health personnel training and the project of system reform.

The sixth is to build a world-class healthy bay area. Guangdong will actively promote health exchanges and cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the convergence of rules, and mutual recognition of qualifications, and promote the joint construction of regional medical associations and regional medical centers.

The seventh is to build a high-level Chinese medicine province. Guangdong will speed up the establishment of the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Center and the Regional Medical Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and explore traditional Chinese medicine methods for the prevention and treatment of major and difficult diseases.

The eighth is to promote the construction of a fertility-friendly province. Guangdong will speed up the construction of a parent-friendly society, improve the safety of mothers and babies, and improve the health of women and children in the province.

The ninth is to develop health services for the whole life cycle. Guangdong will carry out in-depth patriotic health campaigns, comprehensively implement occupational health protection actions, and improve the health support system for the elderly.

Tenth is to establish a sound health promotion and education system. Guangdong will promote the whole society to “integrate health into all policies” and promote the improvement of citizens’ health literacy.

Next, the province’s health system will resolutely implement the “1+1+9” work deployment of the provincial party committee, and pay close attention to the construction of “dual districts” and “two cooperation districts” It is hoped that through the next efforts, a world-class integrated high-quality medical service system, a safer and more solid public health system, and a more globally influential health science and technology innovation system will be basically built in Guangdong, and the basic medical and health system will be promoted. Mature and perfect, basically achieve the goal of “healthy Guangdong”, so that everyone can enjoy fair, accessible, systematic, continuous, high-quality and efficient medical and health services.

Source: Nanfang Daily (Reporter Zhu Xiaofeng Li Xiuting)< /span>

Edit:Huang Yixin

[source :Health Guangdong]

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