Provincial Administrative Center Management Office organizes safety and health education and training

In order to popularize health knowledge and improve employees’ self-help and mutual rescue ability, on the morning of February 24th, the Provincial Administrative Center Management Office Invite Wang Haitao, director of the Provincial Safety and Health Education Network, for the property of Building 1-3 of the Provincial Administration CenterCompany, catering company A total of more than 30 people carried outsafety and health education knowledge training.

Wang Haitao by using Graphic and text display, case study, Ambulance drill and other methods, focuses on explainingself-rescue and mutual aid in emergencies and diseases Rescue, the use of AED external defibrillator, the prevention and improvement of occupational diseases, traditional Chinese medicine health care, etc., FurtherImprovedemployees< span> safety and health awareness.

Everyone said that this training Benefited a lot, bothunderstood the importance of occupational safety and health Sex, andmastered the knowledge of first aid and daily health care,alsoplayed a positive and effective guiding role in relieving work and life pressure and shaping one’s own health.

(Provincial Administrative Center Management Office span> Chen Chen)