Protect the ordinary but indispensable “he” and make a healthy life more vigorous!!

Under the epidemic, there are always a group of people who deserve our respect.

They are very ordinary, they shuttle through the streets and alleys every day to deliver supplies for us; they are often overlooked by us, but they are always silent in ordinary positions Giving brings convenience to our lives.

Yes, they are the drivers.

Driving is an ordinary, ordinary but indispensable profession, which deserves our respect and admiration, but the health of drivers is not Often overlooked. Occupational diseases caused by prolonged driving, including obesity, lumbar disc herniation, etc., threaten the health of drivers.

Contemporary drivers are really too difficult!

What is it like to be a full-time driver? They say this:

China Mobile



Work hard together

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The epidemic has been serious recently. We are really busy with freight. We are delivering goods from morning to night. Sitting all day long has a sore back and is really tiring. But considering that there are still so many people waiting for us to deliver supplies, it’s worth it to be busy.

Isn’t it? We drive taxis like this every day, and we often encounter traffic jams, which are so bad that we lose our temper. Sometimes I don’t dare to drink too much water, because I’m afraid that there is no place to go to the bathroom and I have to hold back, which will affect my body!

You are all tired, it is even more difficult for us female drivers. Usually I don’t have time to exercise at all. Gao has also come to the door….

I have been driving for more than ten years. Although there are no three highs, this lumbar intervertebral disc is real The protruding, low back pain from time to time, uncomfortable…

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Healthy life, accurate calculation

p>01Less temper, more peace

When there is a traffic jam, many drivers are prone to “road rage”, such as being unable to hold back their rage or arguing with others.

In fact, the harm of “road rage” is very great, it will not only affect the driver’s mood, but also may affect the driving safety. even lead to traffic accidents.

Therefore, it is recommended that drivers be more calm, play some relaxing songs, chew chewing gum, and take more deep breaths to avoid driving. This controls your emotions.

02Less Ge You paralysis, more long runs

To the driver and friends That said, sitting for long periods of time is unavoidable. However, sitting for a long time can damage the whole body. Sitting for a long time will not only cause discomfort in the cervical spine, spine and lumbar spine, but also may lead to obesity, constipation and other problems, which will affect the health of drivers and friends.

Therefore, it is recommended that drivers and friends “move” after get off work, avoid Ge You’s paralysis, and do more exercise, such as running for half an hour, Jump aerobics, brisk walking, etc., to reduce the harm of sedentary.

03 Less presumptuousness, more restraint

After a hard day’s work, many drivers and friends will treat themselves with a big meal in the evening. However, frequent overeating will not only damage the gastrointestinal tract, but also increase the risk of acute pancreatitis and affect health.

Here, drivers and friends are advised to be less arrogant and more restrained in their diet. Usually, you should develop good eating habits, pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables in your diet, and avoid overeating.

Of course, if it is for the sake of the body, you can also add some health foods, such as Jingjiu.

Jingjiu is a classic brand with a history of 30 years.

Jingjiu uses Huaiyao from Ningxia, Xinjiang and Wuzhi from Henan. The 9 herbal raw materials including Cistanche in Jinghe adopt two core technologies of fingerprint and digital extraction, which can make the wine contain more active ingredients (such as polysaccharides, flavonoids, saponins, etc.), which can relieve fatigue and improve immunity. health benefits.

Therefore, long-term fatigued drivers and friends with poor physical fitness can drink some strong wine to accompany their meals, which can not only relieve stress, but also It can also relieve fatigue, sleep more steadfastly, and work harder for a new day’s driving life!

but here is a reminder

Everyone, although strong wine is good, don’t be greedy, 2 taels a day, and drink less often to achieve the purpose of health care.

At the same time, I also remind all drivers and friends: Don’t drive when you drink, don’t drink when you drive!

Successfully entered After the Mini Program, participate in 4 punching tasks, and you can draw “Dejin Cards”.

Task 1

Collect 9 Herbs

< p>Task 2

Redeem the number of exercise steps (from 3000 steps)

Task 3

Upload health

Don’t be greedy for cup photos

Task 4 p>

Sign Health

Life Pact

Collect the 6-character “Strengthening Your Life” 6-character card to participate in the lottery.

This event includes 100 copies of Gudong custom sports watches, 1,000 bottles of limited edition Jingjiu 1989 (reprint), and 1,000 copies of 520ml China Jing Wine, 8,000 pieces of Chizhengtang chrysanthemum tea, red bean tea, and 10 yuan/15 yuan vouchers… A total of 210,000 prizes are waiting for you, don’t miss it!

<Swipe for next picture>

Attention to friends in Jiangsu, China Jingjiu has prepared a limited gift for Jingfans in Jiangsu! Participate in the check-in activity now and have the opportunity to participate in the Huanglongxian self-driving tour for free! Don’t miss it!

Of course, if you want to know more about the activities of China Jingjiu, you can also long press to identify the QR code below, pay attention to Jingjiu, and contact Jingjiu. Let’s cheer for health and work harder for life together!

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