“Prostate cancer” is often found in late stages? There are 2 symptoms when a man urinates, and he needs more attention

“Don’t cut me even if you kill me!” Lao Sun was sitting on the hospital bed, furious and very angry, because the doctor suggested removing his testicles.

Lao Sun is 72 years old this year. During the physical examination, he detected PAS (prostate specific antigen), which was far beyond the normal value, up to 120ng/ml. Finally, a prostate biopsy was performed to confirm the diagnosis. prostate cancer.

Fortunately, it is still in the early stage, not too serious, and radical surgery could have been done, but Lao Sun’s physical condition is relatively poor, high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease.. …. a variety of chronic diseases, can not tolerate radical surgery, so the doctor gave the suggestion of surgical castration, namely “bilateral orchiectomy”, which can quickly reduce the level of testosterone and inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Lao Sun is usually very masculine. He couldn’t accept such a suggestion. He shouted with the doctor. Fortunately, the doctor gave the suggestion of medical castration. .

First, many people have advanced prostate cancer as soon as it is discovered!

The prostate is known as the “life gland” of men. In the United States, more than 90% of prostate cancer patients are diagnosed at an early stage, and the 5-year survival rate after standard treatment is close to 100%. However, the survival rate of prostate cancer in men in my country is much lower.This is because less than one-third of the patients diagnosed with prostate cancer in my country are still in the early stage, and most of them are diagnosed in the early stage. In the middle and late stage, the prognosis is not ideal even after standard treatment.

Prostate cancer in men can occur for many reasons, includingage, family history, ethnicity, diet, and chronic lack of exercise span>, etc. About two-thirds of men with prostate cancer are diagnosed at the age of 65. Men with a family history of prostate cancer have a 2-fold increased risk of cancer. Some men who have a long-term high-fat diet and lack of exercise are also at risk of developing cancer. Increase.

For some patients, it is the most unacceptable to cut off the genitals after illness. Does this mean that they are not complete men? Will it survive after being cut off?

Second, why should the “lifeblood” of prostate cancer be cut off? Can you still live?

Actually, not all prostate cancers require the removal of the testis, and castration of the testis is part of endocrine therapy for prostate cancer. The therapy uses hormones to reduce the level of testosterone in the patient’s body, thereby reducing and eliminating the nourishment of male hormones on prostate cancer cells, and has the purpose of “starving” the cancer cells to death.

Jiang Haowen, deputy director of the Department of Urology, Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University said that these three conditions are generally needed in clinical practice. Do castration therapy.

1. Patients with prostate cancer who cannot receive radical surgery

The patient’s condition is in In the advanced stage, multiple metastases have occurred, the opportunity for surgery has been lost, and the physical fitness is too poor to tolerate surgery, then castration treatment will be selected.

2. Patients with intermediate-risk prostate cancer

were found to have a high For those at risk of recurrence and metastasis, castration combined with other regimens is generally recommended.

3. Patients who are still at high risk after radical surgery

After surgery , if the patient still has adverse pathological features, adjuvant castration may also be required.

Clinical castration treatments include surgery and drugs,< strong>The former is the use of surgical removal of the testis, which can reduce the concentration of testosterone in a short period of time. The biggest disadvantage of this method is that it is irreversible, and it is easy to affect the body and mind of the patient. to have a great impact. For some patients who feel unacceptable, they can choose drug castration, which is a reversible way to use injections and medicines to reduce the level of androgen in the serum without removing the testis.

Of course, the specific therapy to be used should be guided by a professional doctor, not blindly. When prostate cancer comes to the door, the male body will send out some signals, and if you catch these signals in time, early detection and early treatment can be achieved.

Three, when prostate cancer arrives, there may be these reminders when urinating

1. Frequent urination, urgency, and incontinence< /span>

Urinary disturbances are very common in patients with prostate cancer. The lesions block the urethra and then induce frequent urination, urgency, and incomplete urination.

2. Hematuria

Prostate cancer may also cause patients to develop Macroscopic manifestations of hematuria, urine that is watery, or contains blood clots. About 6%-10% of prostate cancer patients present with persistent hematuria.

In addition to the above two symptoms, prostate cancer may also cause back pain, abnormal lymphadenopathy, Weight loss, fatigue and renal failureembolism.

When you find abnormal symptoms in your body, you must seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the best treatment time. It should be reminded that, After the age of 50, it is recommended for men to do this check regularly even if they have no symptoms.

Fourth, after the age of 50, it is best for men to check this indicator every year

It is recommended that men over the age of 50 should undergo a serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test every 1-2 years. Some families with a history of prostate cancer need to advance the test to 45 years of age.

Under normal circumstances, the PSA value should be less than4ng/ml, when it is found that the PSA value increases High, what should I do?


This condition may be caused by prostate cancer or other benign diseases. It is recommended to re-examine once every 3-6 months. The higher the value in this range, the higher the frequency of re-examination.


When the PSA value is found to be greater than 10, the prostate The risk of cancer is high, and you should seek medical attention in time after discovery. Further examinations should be carried out under the advice of professional doctors.

Prostate cancer is not uncommon in men, especially older men. Don’t take it lightly and have regular checkups. In addition to regular checkups, you should also pay more attention to your body in your life, and promptly find abnormalities Arouse vigilance. #HealthTrue Knowledge Project#


[1] “[See Clinic] Castration treatment for prostate cancer, is it Do you want to cut eggs?”. Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University. 2021-06-11

[2] “Pay attention to prostate health, teach you to understand the test indicators PSA, fPSA”. Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2021-08-11

[3] “What are the main symptoms of prostate cancer”. /p>

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