Professor Wang Zhentao’s sharing of typical cases in the diagnosis and treatment of palpitations (473)

General condition:Patient Ji, female, 45 years old, Anyang People, first diagnosed on January 6, 2017.

Complaint: Intermittent palpitations, shortness of breath, and dizziness for more than 3 months.

History of present illness:The patient had palpitations, shortness of breath, and dizziness for three months without obvious incentives. Oral therapy with Betaloc and Wenxin Granules was given, but the effect was not good. Health in the past. BP: 128/88mmHg, pale tongue, thin white fur, thin pulse.

TCM diagnosis: palpitations

symptoms Type: Qi and Yin Deficiency

Treatment: span>Replenishing Qi and nourishing yin

Recipe for initial diagnosis< /span>:

strong>2017.01.24 follow-up consultation: The symptoms are relieved after taking the medicine, and there are seizures after activities. BP: 114/66mmHg, pale red tongue, thin white fur, thin pulse.

Treatment:1.6 day Fang Huanglian changed to 15g, tea root changed to 60g , 15 doses of decoction, one dose per day.

Notes:Patients with intermittent palpitations, fatigue, fatigue, poor sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, dull tongue, thin white fur, and thin pulse. The syndrome is qi and yin deficiency. Prescriptions include Codonopsis, Ophiopogon japonicus, Shengdi, Licorice to nourish the heart and yin; >The main town of keel and oyster calms the nerves. Salvia miltiorrhiza and old tea tree roots clear heat and activate blood; Gansong, Coptis chinensis clear heat and calm palpitations, Mulberry parasite, Geshanxiao, Luxiangcao tonic and solidify the root;Glycyrrhiza also reconciles various medicines. Looking at the whole prescription, it plays the role of nourishing qi and nourishing yin, activating serum fever, and calming the nerves and palpitations.