Professor Wang Zhentao’s sharing of typical cases in the diagnosis and treatment of chest pain and heart pain (398)

General:ZhaoXX< span>, female, 37 years old, employee, from Zhengzhou, Henan. No history of drug allergy was found. 2019 year06month11the first visit.

Complaint: Paroxysmal precordial pain3years.

History of present illness:3 A few years ago, there was no obvious incentive for paroxysmal pain in the precordial area, which could be relieved spontaneously after about a few seconds without any examination, and usually took Jieyu pills orally, and usually had fatigue, irritability, anxiety, dry throat, Pain in the precordial area, Naco, poor sleep, more dreams, and normal bowel movements. Dark red tongue, thin yellow and greasy fur, thin pulse. She was in good health and denied other medical history.

Auxiliary examination: The electrocardiogram showed no obvious abnormality.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis: chest pain disease

Syndromes:Qi stagnation and blood stasis

Treatment:Soothing Liver, Regulating Qi, Activating Blood and Relieving Pain

Preliminary prescriptions:

July 26, 2019< /strong>SecondDiagnosis:After taking the medicine, the pain in the flanks and ribs improved, Poor improvement, left flank pain due to increased pressure, relieved after 2-3min, Naco, acid regurgitation, hiccups, occasional stomach pain, sticky stool, Urinary, dark red tongue, thin white greasy fur, thin and stringy pulse.

Processing:Note:The patient came to the clinic with the main complaint of “chest pain”, accompanied by symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, poor sleep at night, etc. Diagnosis of disease is “chest arthralgia” and “stagnation disease”, and the four diagnoses are combined with ginseng, and the syndrome is differentiated as qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome. The treatment is to activate qi and activate blood. Danzhi Xiaoyao Powder embodies the principle of clearing away heat and soothing the liver. Bupleurum in the prescription is good at soothing the liver and regulating qi, and it stretches the qi mechanism of Shaoyang triple burners. The heat of qi is divided into, and the heat of the blood of the liver and the blood is cleared by Cortex Moutan. It is combined with Bupleurum and peppermint, which can clear heat and soothe the liver; when paired with Angelica, nourishes the blood and activates the blood, it nourishes the liver and stagnates the blood; when paired with Atractylodes, The spleen can nourish the deficiency of the spleen and prevent the damage of the liver; when combined with Poria cocos, qi stagnates the body fluid, which is used to guide the dampness to descend; when combined with peony and licorice to soften the liver and relieve urgency, it can relieve the meridian tunnel and help Bupleurum, Peppermint regulates the liver and relieves diarrhea; patients with qi stagnation for a long time will inevitably lead to blood stasis, add Chuanxiong, Salvia, safflower, peach kernel, and Corydalis to promote blood circulation and relieve pain; Shegan, Lugen clear heat and soothe the throat. In the second visit, the symptoms of the patients improved, mainly in the epigastric region, so they were changed to Xiaochaihu Decoction and Banxia Xiexin Decoction, in order to reconcile the liver and stomach.