Professor Li Xiaomei’s team was invited to participate in the 25th National Interventional Cardiology Forum (CCIF2022)

[Source: Beijing Municipal Health Commission_Grassroots News]

Recently, the 25th National Interventional Cardiology Forum (CCIF 2022) held an online and offline event. The combined form was successfully held in Kunming, Yunnan Province. The conference attracted about 500 experts offline and more than 80,000 doctors online.

Professor Li Xiaomei, Chief Physician of Pediatrics at the Heart Center of Beijing Huaxin Hospital (The First Affiliated Hospital of Tsinghua University), was invited by the organizing committee to serve as the online host and commenter of the Young Electrophysiologist Clinical Exchange Forum. This forum covers multiple topics such as cardiogenic syncope, congenital heart disease-related arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, hereditary arrhythmia drugs and interventional therapy.

In the forum, Jiang He, chief physician of the Department of Pediatrics of the Heart Center of our hospital, shared his experience in the diagnosis and treatment of a rare case of cardiac syncope in a young child . The child has primary restrictive cardiomyopathy combined with coronary muscle bridge. The Department of Pediatrics and Surgery of the Heart Center of our hospital adopts a combined treatment method. After surgical myocardial release, atrial electrodes are implanted in the child, and then medical intervention is performed. Methods The ventricular defibrillation electrodes were implanted, which finally solved the difficult clinical problems perfectly. This child has also become the first case of dual-chamber ICD implantation treatment for young children in China, demonstrating the great exploratory and innovativeness of the hybrid technology of pediatric medicine and surgery in the heart center of our hospital. empirical evidence is provided.

Zhang Yi, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Pediatrics of the Heart Center of our hospital, introduced Professor Li Xiaomei’s team pacing in the treatment of severe neonatal period at the forum The experience of congenital atrioventricular block provides clinical experience for prenatal management, risk assessment and postpartum integrated treatment of children with this disease.

Professor Li Xiaomei pointed out in his summary that the electrophysiological mechanism, differential diagnosis, and treatment strategies of arrhythmia in children all have their own difficulties and particularities. Children are by no means a “miniature version” of adults, so they cannot To simply copy the treatment experience of adults, on the basis of continuous learning and summarization, we should blaze a trail of precise and individualized diagnosis and treatment, and promote the further standardization and systematization of pacing electrophysiological diagnosis and treatment in children, so as to benefit more children with arrhythmia.

In this national forum, Professor Li Xiaomei’s team demonstrated our hospital’s leading academic position and strength in the treatment of difficult, critical and complex arrhythmias, as well as new technologies and concepts for pacing therapy. Greatly enhanced the influence of the industry.

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