Press the fast-forward button for the Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City General Hospital Project

[Source: Hainan Daily]

Workers pour cement for the roof.

Overlooking the construction site of Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City General Hospital project.

On June 14, at the construction site of the Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City General Hospital project, workers were busy at their posts.

It is understood that the Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City General Hospital project mainly builds a third-class public general hospital integrating medical treatment, first aid, teaching, scientific research, prevention and health care. The general practitioner training base and medical teaching and practice base in the district and surrounding areas provide medical security for the sustainable development of Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City. At present, the comprehensive ward building of the project is in the construction phase of the main structure and will be capped in July.

This group of pictures were all taken by trainee reporter Wang Chenglong

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