Pregnant women, hemodialysis patients, chemotherapy patients, critically ill emergency patients…their health is guarded by a group of people like Songjiang online 24 hours a day!

< section data-autoskip="1">Since the outbreak of the epidemic in the city in March, the issue of citizens seeking medical care in the closed area has affected relevant departments. The district health and health commission urgently set up a special medical class, and integrated 23 public medical institutions in the district, with the medical special class as the “brain”, and one third-grade, one third-grade, and five second-grade medical institutions in the district as the “hands” , 16 community health service centers are “skeletons”, connecting the medical resources of the whole region. At the same time, the prevention and control offices and neighborhood committees of the streets and towns that are most closely connected with the citizens and most sensitive to the needs of the citizens will be incorporated into the linkage system to become “blood” and “nerves”, so that citizens can be seen by people who are sick, sent to people who are short of medicine, and answered questions when they are in need. , Health is guaranteed.

Online information channels are unobstructed and offline medical treatment paths Smooth

“Someone has a fishbone stuck in his throat and has been unable to eat normally for three days. “A few days ago, there was a message in the “Medical Security Group” established by the special medical class that caught the attention of Chen Ailing, a member of the special class. The news was posted by Zhang Xiaojing, who is in charge of contacting medical resources at the Sheshan Town Prevention and Control Office. “This type of Surgery requires specialized medical tools to perform. “Zhang Xiaojing said, “So after the residents reported the problem, I quickly posted the news in the group. “Because the resident has a problem of tinnitus caused by swelling and inflammation of the throat, Zhang Xiaojing is very anxious.

In order to help the resident as soon as possible The residents received professional treatment, and Chen Ailing called the telephone numbers announced by many hospitals in Shanghai, but they were all busy. Fortunately, through the telephone number provided in the contact group, Chen Ailing contacted the outpatient office of the Eye and ENT Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University. After hearing the situation, the other party immediately said: “The patient can be sent to us. “After getting a reply, Chen Ailing immediately notified Zhang Xiaojing and contacted the 120 ambulance to take the resident to the hospital and solved the problem.

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like “Medicare A 24-hour online WeChat contact group such as “Daqun” has established many medical special classes, some of which can directly communicate with the medical section chiefs of each community health service center, strengthening the foundation of the community health service center.Responsibilities for basic medical services and residents’ health management; some are responsible for coordinating special patients, and pay attention to the needs of acute and critical illness, pregnant women, infants and young children in a timely manner; There are several department heads and 4 clinical pharmacists, who can give advice to residents on medication.

“We have also set up experts such as the ‘regional maternal expert liaison group’, the ‘regional tumor chemotherapy expert liaison group’ and other experts Wechat group, with experts participating in the assessment of residents’ health conditions, allows tertiary hospitals and district-level hospitals to receive patients who must see a doctor. At the same time, it plays the role of triaging patients with acute and chronic diseases, stratified classification and transfer, and provides information on the needs of citizens for disease diagnosis and treatment. Effective hierarchical diagnosis and treatment.” Chen Ailing said.

Out-of-hospital patient research is sufficient for in-hospital treatment to dispense drugs quickly

Mr. Zhao, a hemodialysis patient who lives in Yueyang Street, received a special “pass” on March 31: hemodialysis patients in the district central hospital The certificate of external hemorrhage during the closure and control management period clearly states the date and time when Mr. Zhao went to the hospital from April 1 to 5.

The “pass” is the statistics of the hemodialysis patients in the district central hospital before the closure and control, and reports to the medical class made after. “Since the closure and control, the medical treatment of hemodialysis patients in Songjiang has been jointly undertaken by Shanghai First People’s Hospital (south), District Central Hospital and Sijing Hospital. Contact other hospitals to solve the problem.” Chen Ailing said.

Early before the implementation of static management in the whole region, the special medical class passed through the streets and towns, neighborhood committees, and community health service centers to map out the areas within the sealing control area. Regarding the medical needs of residents in terms of pregnancy test, hemodialysis, tumor chemotherapy, and chronic diseases, Chen Ailing said: “The overall medical needs of the citizens are huge, especially during the special period of lockdown, to fulfill the medical needs of the citizens, it is our special class. The original intention of the establishment.”

In Sijing Hospital, Song Qiang, a volunteer from Jiuliting Street, was busy registering and preparing to dispense medicines for community residents . “According to the arrangement of the street, we collect the residents’ dispensing needs every night, and collect them at 8:00 the next morning. After sorting and screening by the medical team of the community health service center, the volunteers will collect the medical insurance card and related materials and go to the hospital to dispense the medicine on their behalf. “Song Qiang said.

In view of the current situation of the need for volunteers to dispense medicines in the closed and controlled communities, all hospitals in the district have opened a 24-hour window and added consultation rooms. Mu Dawei, a member of the special medical class, said: “If volunteers encounter difficulties in going to hospitals in other districts to dispense medicines when collecting the dispensing needs of residents, they can report it to the special medical class, and the special class will contact the hospital through the official telephone number of the hospital.”

There are many members of the medical class like Chen Ailing and Mu Dawei, who are the backbone of medical care from many hospitals in the district . Since its establishment, the district medical special class has coordinated a total of 3,454 matters, including 14 visits to pregnant women, 30 to 40 patients for hemodialysis and chemotherapy, 25 emergency patients, 25 fever patients, and others during the lockdown period. There are about 100 patients with the disease.

Text: Li Tianwei

Photo: Jiang Huihui /span>

Editor: Zhang Youming, Lu Jia, Li Yuanyuan